Lake of Shadows

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The Pyramidion


Tree of Probabilities

Lake of Shadows
TitanHunter vs TakenCabal.jpg


Destiny 2




European Dead Zone, Earth


Stop the Taken from corrupting the European Dead Zone.

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"Stem the tide of Taken flowing into the European Dead Zone from beneath the waves."

Lake of Shadows is a Strike in Destiny 2 set in the European Dead Zone, and was a PlayStation-exclusive until the release of Forsaken.

The original version of the Strike had the Guardians storm Maevic Square and the Reservoir in the EDZ to get rid of a Taken infestation, which was contaminating the local water supply. The strike was directed by Zavala and Devrim Kay, and occasionally by Ikora Rey and Asher Mir.

With the release of Lightfall, the Strike was reworked to feature the Taken working to disrupt the local water supply again, only this time backed up by the Shadow Legion. Devrim once more commands the Fireteam, advising on the usage of captured Pyramid technology to deal with the infestation.



  • Pursue the Taken,
  • Destroy the Blights,
  • Track the Taken,
  • Find the leader,
  • Defeat Grask, the Consumed.


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(Mission Begins)

  • Zavala: The Taken have occupied an old water facility near your location. Not to be outdone, the Fallen are attempting to seize it from them by force.
  • Devrim Kay: The Fallen are an afterthought. Whatever the Taken are doing here, they are contaminating the water supply. You don't want to see the pot of tea I made this morning.
  • Zavala: Civilians are depending on you. Operation Stormcoat has begun.


  • Zavala: Mobilizing fireteam for Operation, uh... Babydog? Why does this say Babydog? I must have forgotten to reboot the strike name generator.
  • Devrim: Operation "Babydog?" Well, it has a certain ring to it, huh?
  • Zavala: Yes... "Babydog". Well, the strike protocol is already running. Can't stop it now. Devrim?
  • Devrim: Yes, sorry. Fireteam "Babydog" the Taken are polluting the EDZ. We need to determine the source of — Haha! — I'm sorry, I can't... Stand-by, fireteam.
  • Devrim: One of my teams reported Taken energy infecting the water supply. Our purification tech can only do so much. If the contamination spreads, people will die.
  • Ghost: Destroying the Blight destroyed the Taken miasma. This area's no longer infected.
  • Devrim: Good work. There's bound to be more than one.
  • Ghost: We're making good progress, but Taken energy readings are still off the charts.
  • Devrim: There must be a source. The Cabal hurt us, Guardian, but the Taken could ruin the EDZ forever. Put an end to this.
  • Ghost: This place is old; good thing we can't get tetanus.
  • Devrim: This facility provided water for many generations. If for nothing else but principle, I'm glad you're reclaiming it.
  • Ghost: They just left that unguarded...? This smells fishy to me.
  • Ghost: Zavala, the Taken leader is down for the count. Surprise of the day: he was Red Legion.
  • Zavala: Impossible... Oryx is long dead. There's no one left to take.
  • Ghost: Ikora was telling me about a Hive tome called the Book of Sorrows. That Oryx has sisters.
  • Zavala: You've both dealt with the Taken on Io. I'll consult her about this. In the meantime, excellent work. All of you.

(Mission Ends)


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Shadow Legion Cabal
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  • It is possible to obtain The Militia's Birthright as a possible Nightfall reward from Lake of Shadows.
  • Lake of Shadows debuted during the 2017 Sony E3 Press Conference.
  • Lake of Shadows was originally a Playstation exclusive before it was released for all at the launch of Forsaken.
  • Lake of Shadows features the return of the Taken in Destiny 2, and introduced the speculation that either Savathûn, the Witch Queen or Xivu Arath, God of War have learned the ability to take.
    • This speculation was later confirmed during Forsaken.

List of Appearances
