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"Far below the Ishtar Academy, the Vex have set something in motion, a world-eating machine transforming Venus into another link in their intergalactic chain. This Nexus must be stopped and the Mind that controls it, destroyed."
Ikora Rey

The Nexus is a level 14 strike on Venus. The fireteam's objective is to kill Sekrion, Nexus Mind to prevent the Vex from converting the planet into another node in their network.





It is highly recommended to bring a void weapon, as there are a large number of very aggressive Minotaurs in the later parts of the strike. Killing them quickly will be the key to staying alive.

N/GEN Branch

Players begin in the Ishtar Commons, with a group of Vex and Fallen fighting each other. These can be ignored; walk right past the two Hobgoblins further into the academy right into the N/GEN Branch. This area is the first Darkness Zone. The fireteam's objective is to kill three servitors, which are found in different areas in the room and guarded by multiple fallen. It is recommended to kill the fallen quickly if the servitors are still alive, as servitors will heal any nearby fallen. After all three are killed, players must climb up the staircase, where they will meet multiple vandals armed with swords.

Dig Site 4

The first Vex enemies will start to appear, with a handful of more Fallen. Enemy composition is fairly light until a large clearing with Vex ruins, where a few Hobgoblins and two Minotaurs can be found. proceed further into the ruins to enter the caves where The Nexus is found. A small swarm of Goblins will appear, but can be dispatched quickly enough.

The Nexus

Boss: Sekrion, Nexus Mind

At the end of the caves is a large room with a very steep drop. Drop down (taking care to cushion your fall) and kill the many Minotaurs patrolling the room (it's recommended to engage only one at a time). Killing all the minotaurs will bring down Sekrion; it will hover in the center of the room with a shield rotating around it. Because its projectile attack is quite powerful, players need to find refuge around the outskirts of the room, where there's sufficient cover. Every so often vex reinforcements will teleport in; it's important to be aware of them, as they can include Minotaurs and easily kill any players already being harassed by Sekrion's attacks.

Sekrion's weak point is it's yellow glowing eye, which is only exposed if its facing the player and its sheild isn't blocking it. This can be difficult for players as it requires both timing and willingness to be exposed to its fire. Coordinating good fire angles so that the head can be hit from other angles will help bring down Sekrion more quickly.
