Season of Arrivals

Revision as of 19:54, June 9, 2020 by ForgottenJedi (talk | contribs)
Season of Arrivals
Season of Arrivals Banner.jpg

Start date:

June 9 2020

End date:

September 22 2020

Previous season:

Season of the Worthy

Next season:

Beyond Light


Season of Arrivals is the eleventh season of Destiny 2, occurring from June 9th, 2020 till September 22nd, 2020. It revolves around the arrival of the Darkness to the Solar System. As the final season of Year 6, it will also feature the return of Moments of Triumph and the Solstice of Heroes.


"Fragments of the vanquished Almighty burn in the sky, but celebration is cut short as mysterious Pyramid ships reveal themselves throughout the system. An obscured message emerges from the darkness. Is it a greeting, a threat, or something else altogether? Eris and Zavala call upon you to find out..."[1]




Guardians, Residents of the Last City, and their Allies



Vehicles, Equipment, and Technology

Weapons and Armor



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