Forum:Star Blazers

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Star Blazers


Capture and secure new territories for the Cabal


The Reef, asteroid belt


The Star Blazers are a Cabal Legion seen on the Reef.


The Star Blazers' position is to capture and protect future sites and areas for the Cabal. They're value to Cabal is very important, due to how they risk their lives for future territories for the Cabal Empire. They're identified by their bright red and yellow armor with a brush on their helmets, similar to the Skyburners. However their Colossi are more orange, while their Centurions are more yellow.


Taken War

Due to the Taken War, and the death of multiple Cabal Leaders, Val Jo'arrc was one of the last leaders of the Solar System Cabal. He was called up by Dominus Ghaul by to work with another Cabal Legion called Gold Legion, and was tasked to evacuate most of Cabal out of the system. the gold legion's Primus, Primus Dor'nugh ordered the Val to escort the Primus' brother Valus Tor'iekk out of the Prison of Elders, the Val however, tried to decline, but due to the Primus's position, he had to follow his orders. Similar to Skyburners invading The Dreadnaught, he a ordered Harvester to ram into the Prison, the strike team successfully invade the Prison, however things didn't go well for the group as they were put down by The Guardian, and Tor'iekk was unfortantely Taken and slain by the same Guardian. Jo'arch than later plans on creating a foothold on the Reef in hopes of defeating the Guardian. Despite the Guardian attacking the Legion in every corner. Val Jo'arrc decided to invade the Lions' Run, and capture the Fallen den to created as a base of operation. A Raid party, led by Bracus Jar'uarn and Bracus Ph'inn found the Fallen Lair, however they were intercepted by The Guardian, who believed they were leaders of the Legion. With killing the Field Commanders, and suppressed the Star Blazers. Val Jo'arrc had sent a assault team to destroy the Vestian Web to suppress the Awoken, and as revenge for loss of the invading party on the Lion's Den. However, The Guardian, once again, intercepted the attack, and the Val's guards. With the stolen key, the Guardian attacked the Kenrbus Vege V and confronts the Val personally. Despite his weapons and swarming guards, he would be defeated by The Guardian, however, despite his possible sealed fate, he would escape into his personal Land Tank and blow up the Cabal carrier. But the Guardian manages to escape before the ship self-destructed.

Despite a very humiliating defeat, Jo'arrc then utilize his tank, Cornobas Vae X, to stay hidden and regather his Legion's strength. However, thanks to some Scouts, belonging to the Vanguard, found his Land Tank. alerting Commander Zavala, in which he orchestrate Strike, to kill the Val, after finding the trail of the Tank, the finally confronted and corned the Commander, but despite in his strength and soliders, he was killed. Finally ending his reign and crippling the Star Blazers, forcing them to fully hide, once more.


Unique Forces


  • Going by with the Siege Dancers and the Dust Giants, The Star Blazers are (most likely) a subdivision of the Blind Legion, as their commander, Val Jo'arrc, is a member of that group.
    • They also have similarities to the Siege Dancers, as they're deployed into unsecured areas to take control and set up fortifications.
      • However it's possible, that the Star Blazers' position are more over in space, or Celestial type of objectives, (or for the Blind Legion, for that matter), while the Siege Dancers are more in the field-type of objectives.
  • The Star Blazers, has a similar appearance to the Skyburners, due to their equipment, and looks (mostly the brush on their helmets).
    • However, what differ from them, is that the Star Blazers' Legionaries and Phalanxes wear re-breathers on their helmets, similar to Sand Eaters's re-breathers. The Skyburners do not have one.

List of appearances