UserWiki:I Exist

Revision as of 14:54, February 11, 2020 by I Exist (talk | contribs) (Imported user page)
Biographical information

Other name(s):

Sedra Voj
Guardian of the Reef









Hair color:


Eye color:

Blue (glowing)

Political and military information




Corsair Commander


Hunter (Gunslinger)

Notable info:

Only Guardian with knowledge of the House of Hunters


Seja is an Awoken Guardian that actively observes the House of Hunters. She works for the Awoken of the Reef rather than the Guardians of the City.


Old Life

Before Seja was killed and resurrected as a Guardian, she was a Corsair and a pilot for the Reef, her name was Sedra Voj. Her fighter was shot down while attacking a Ketch above the plains of the Reef during the Reef Wars, and she was killed upon her ship's impact with the ground.


A fear years after the Reef Wars, Sedra was resurrected by a Ghost named Green. She named her Ghost after the colour of his eye, and the stripes on his shell, and she named herself Seja as it was a short and easy to remember name. She looked over at the graveyard left over from the battle years ago and decided to scavenge for working ships.

After days of dying from hunger and resurrecting she finally found a flyable ship. A Skiff that had barely any fuel. She was able to fly the ship all the way to the Tangled Shore and she landed it at Spider's Palace. She was greeted by Spider's Associates and she eventually took up work for the Spider.

Working for the Spider

Seja worked for the Spider for over a year, hiding her Light from the Fallen for fear of being abandoned or killed by them. She knew Fallen didn't like Lightbearers. She was working for the Spider to get a better ship with more fuel so she could make it to Earth and meet up with other Guardians, but she grew attached to her work and didn't want to leave the Spider and his associates.

Eventually; Green reminded her about her purpose and she thought about being a Guardian for longer and eventually decided to end her work for the Spider. Spider took her resignation calmly and gave her a ship without knowing where she was going to take it as he had grown to trust her. She took the ship he gave her and flew it to Earth.

The Tower

When Seja arrived at the Tower she was overwhelmed and confused. She felt out of place. She didn't go visit the Vanguard or the Cryptarch, and just hung out in the Tower Plaza and listened to other Guardians when she had nothing to do. One day she heard the tales of Shin Malphur from other Hunters and took up an interest in his gun, The Last Word. She looked into Shin more and enjoyed the stories told of him, and eventually created a working replica of The Last Word to use on her own.

Eventually she met a Warlock named John and a Titan named Heft who were looking for a third Fireteam member. She ran Strikes and went on missions with her fireteam for years before she eventually left upon discovery of a strange Fallen House.

Hunting for the Hunters

Seja discovered the House of Hunters and were interested in them over any other House due to their technology. Unlike other Fallen, their armour was strong and protected more of their body, their weapons were more powerful, and no one else knew anything about them. She went after the House of Hunters specifically and never bothered with other Houses.

After a long time of hunting and killing the House of Hunters, she eventually found the locations of a few of their bases. She met up with her old fireteam and they went after the bases and camps together. It took them all the way up to the beginning of the Red War until they found a spire that had the information on the Hunters' main base, and it was then when the Guardians lost their light.

Red War


Seja, John, and Heft all attacked the Hunters' spire and defeated an entire defense force with just their ships before entering the spire. When the three Guardians made it inside, Commander Zavala contacted them and told them that the city was under attack by the Cabal. John and Heft left to go help the city while Seja continued on her own.

Seja continued up the spire and battled Fallen until she made it into the control room. She deployed Green to a console to find out everything they could while Seja held off Fallen that were trying to kill them. When she used her Golden Gun to kill the Fallen was when the Red Legion trapped the Traveler and cut the light off from the Guardians. She fell unconscious and was captured by Rhetiks, Hunter Archon and brought to the Tangled Shore.

Rhetiks was going to deliver Seja to Azilis, Dusk Marauder before Spider stopped him to inspect his cargo. Once he saw who it was, he took the cargo from Rhetiks and brought up to his palace before contacting Petra Venj.

Working for the Awoken

After a long talk with Petra she decided to work as a Corsair for the Awoken. She felt better among her people than she did with other Guardians. Seja was sent on missions with other Awoken as well as a mission with Spider's Associates to kill Azilis, to which she happily obliged.

After a few missions for the Awoken she was sent to talk with a rogue group of Queenbreakers who were calling the Awoken for help. She met with them in a cave in the High Plains of the Tangled Shore. During the meeting she was ambushed by the Scorn, who have only just recently been showing up around the Reef. She fought alongside the Queenbreakers and eventually escaped the cave in a Skiff when all of the Queenbreakers will killed and the Scorn overran the cave.

House of Crows

Sometime after the Scorn ambush, Seja got a new fireteam. Ira, and Shur were the two other members of the fireteam. Seja and her new Awoken fireteam went to the Prison of Elders to interrogate an Archon that Variks, The Loyal had captured. The three Awoken were after the Scorn, trying to learn what they could about them while also killing them at the same time.

The Archon, Uldiks had told the Awoken about three areas he knew the Scorn would be. Two Ketches and a hut in the High Plains. The Awoken started with one of the Ketches and found it was overrun with Hive. After the Awoken killed enough Hive they went deep into the Ketch and encountered Hiraks, the Mindbender. Hiraks escaped and the Awoken had to fight a Fanatic's Chosen.

When the Fanatic's Chosen was dead, Seja ordered her fireteam to search the Ketch while she went after Hiraks. She found him after running through the Ketch and had to fight both Hive and Scorn before she was pulled out by her fireteam. They never found out why Hiraks and the Hive were in the Ketch, but they had to continue there mission.

Sometime later the Awoken went to the hut in the High Plains and went inside. They searched the databases and found out who the Scorn were after before being ambushed by Fikrul, the Fanatic. He wounded both Ira and Shur before almost killing Seja. Before Seja died the light returned and Green was able to resurrect her. She shot Fikrul three times with her Golden Gun and he escaped.

Hunt for the Scorn

The Meeting

Seja, Ira, and Shur met a group of Guardians in the High Plains. Cayde-6, John, Heft, Rian, Joseph, Jack, and a Fallen named Gariks. She had a quick talk with her old fireteam members and briefed everyone about the Scorn barons and their targets.

Yaviks, the Rider

Their first target was Yaviks, the Rider, who was on Venus going after a Fallen named Diskar. The Guardians, Awoken, and Gariks, defeated a group of Vex before coming across Yaviks and the Scorn. Yaviks rode off and Scorn appeared to stop them from chasing her.

Cayde came up with the idea of racing Yaviks and setting up a trap in the Headlands to capture her. Before anyone could protest his idea he ran off to his ship and flew to The Citadel, which was where Yaviks was. Cayde challenged her to a race and stole a Scorn Pike to race her with. He chased her all over the Ishtar Sink and even lost a pike. Whenever Yaviks called in an escort, Gariks sniped them as he was watching from the hills.

After a few twists and turns, Cayde was able to lead Yaviks to the Headlands where a mine blew up her pike. But then Diskar showed up to battle the Guardians, he was fully converted into a Vex Minotaur. The Guardians used their weapons, abilities, and ships to kill Diskar and continue on their hunt for the Scorn Barons.

Araskes, the Trickster, and Pirrha, the Rifleman

Araskes and Pirrha worked together to kill a Fallen named Levik. The Guardians flew to Earth to meet Levik and his Fallen at the European Aerial Zone where Araskes pretended to be Levik by using holograms and voice filters. Levik himself contacted the Guardians and then the Scorn ambushed them, causing Levik and his Fallen to engage them.

The battle in the Aerial Zone lasted almost a full day. Halfway through the battle, Seja and Joseph were knocked off the island into a House of Hunters jamming field, so they had no way to get back up. The rest of the Guardians along with Gariks only won the battle by exhausting the Scorn.

Araskes and Pirrha themselves went to attack the remaining Guardians, but Pirrha was stopped by getting shot by Ira and Shur with Seja's ship. Araskes, enraged, unsheathed two swords and killed Jack and Cayde. Gariks unsheathed his own swords and engaged in a duel with Araskes, eventually knocking her down and allowing for the two Guardians to get resurrected.

During this battle the Vestian Outpost was under attack by Fikrul and his Scorn, causing Petra to call Seja for help. Because Seja was in a jamming field the call didn't make it through, and the Outpost was destroyed. Petra, Variks, and the other survivors from the Outpost went to the Prison of Elders.

Vestian Attack

After Seja and Joseph cleared the jamming field, Seja hurried to the Vestian Outpost with Ira and Shur. They found only debris and bodies floating in space where the Outpost once was, and Seja thought to go to the Prison of Elders because it was most likely where the survivors went. She met with Petra and she stayed with her for a while until she had to hunt another Baron.

Reksis Vahn, the Hangman

The next Scorn Baron to make a move was Reksis Vahn, the Hangman. He was going after a Fallen named Elsavis, and they fought him on Titan in Deep Six. Elsavis didn't welcome the help from Guardians, but the Guardians stayed away from him and focused on the Scorn. The Guardians used Scorch Cannons from Elsavis's Scorch Captains that were willing to help.

With enough bombarding from Scorch Cannons, Reksis eventually came down. The Guardians made sure not to disintegrate his body so they could send him to the Prison of Elders with the other Barons and their Scorn.

Hiraks, the Mindbender

Hiraks was the next target. The Guardians followed him to the caves of Mars where the Hive were. The Hive that used to serve Nokris, Herald of Xol, and Xol, Will of the Thousands were now serving Hiraks. The Guardians defeated him by using Hive technology to turn the Hive back against Hiraks.

Once Hiraks was dead, the Guardians transmatted him out of the caves and escaped before the Hive could kill them all.

Elykris, the Machinist

Elykris, the Machinist was in the Tangled Shore in her junkyard when the Guardians launched a surprise attack. Instead of stopping the Scorn from killing their targets they were attacking them right where they stood. Elykris made a run for it, and the Guardians found a bunch of different types of tanks in her junkyard. Some of them worked but the others didn't, so they took the working ones and pursued her.

Ira and Shur followed Elykris across the Shore with Seja's ship while everyone else followed her on the ground. Elykris was eventually cornered, and she was taken down by the tanks. The tanks damaged Elykris's body to the point where she had to repair some of it with mechanical parts.

Kaniks, the Mad Bomber

Kaniks, the Mad Bomber was their next target. Like Yaviks, Kaniks was on Venus, but he was only there to kill Vex for fun. The Vex sent out a large Axis Mind, but Kaniks killed it simply with his bombs. When the Guardians arrived on Venus, the Vex of the Hezen Collective did not engage them. Instead, they worked with them and fed information to their Ghosts.

The Guardians searched Venus while the Vex kept Kaniks busy, and they found stashes of his explosives. They transmatted the explosives onto their ships, and then went with the Vex to fight Kaniks. They then used the explosives against Kaniks, and eventually killed him. Once the Guardians transmatted Kaniks out, the Vex teleported away from the Guardians instead of attacking them.

Fikrul, the Fanatic

The final target was Fikrul, and he was in The Hollowed Lair. The Guardians battled through hundreds of Scorn and killed five Abominations just to get to him. When they finally found him he was enraged by the capture of the rest of the barons. They couldn't use their ships in this fight, so Ira and Shur fought alongside the Guardians.

During the fight, Fikrul almost killed both Ira and Shur, and Seja had to leave and bring them somewhere to be healed. The rest of the Guardians, and Gariks, had to finish Fikrul on their own, but they eventually did get him.

Personality and Traits

Seja is usually calm and collected, even in intense situations. She cares about everyone she meets unless she meets them on the battlefield, and she also has a personal attachment to the Fallen. When she was younger as a Guardian she always wanted to know everything she could about anything, especially the Fallen. She is also interested in the Vex, though she doesn't show it.

List of Appearances