Variks, Kell of Kells

Revision as of 10:24, July 16, 2015 by OmgHAX! (talk | contribs) (→‎Quotes)
Variks, Kell of Kells
Biographical information





Eye color:


Political and military information


House of Judgment





Notable info:

Warden of the Prison of Elders


Variks, the Loyal is a Fallen warden of the Prison of Elders. He belongs to the House of Judgment, and has no loyalty to any members of the House of Wolves or any of the Kells. He is one of the few Fallen who has remained loyal to the Queen of the Reef, acting as one of her advisors.[1] Variks sells Fallen-themed items to Guardians.[2] Variks uses a modified servitor to guard the Prison and communicate to Guardians.

Variks had lived among the House of Wolves and witnessed the Uprising on Cybele under Skolas. Unable to abide the attack on civilians, he contacted the crows and helped put an end to the uprising, with Skolas being captured. From that day Variks served the Queen, in an effort to keep the House of Judgment and its ancient traditions alive in the face of increasing degradation under the rule of the Kells.[3] Variks wishes to see the Fallen restored to lawful, peaceful rule. He feels some jealousy for the other races, especially humanity, as the Traveler had chosen them for its patronage and left the Fallen with nothing, not even memories of former glory.[4]


Prison of Elders Rewards

Rotates Weekly based around the lockout period.

Rank Item
1 Class Items (1 Token of Judgment), Special Ammo Synthesis (1 ether seed, 100 glimmer)
2 Devil's Due BKR (Ship, 1 Token of Flight), Kingslayer BKR (Ship, 1 Token of Flight, Coldsnap BKR (Ship, 1 Token of Flight)
3 Kingswind (Shader, 1 Token of Identity)

Class Items

  • Hunter
  • Titan


Vestian Outpost Quotes

  • "What do you know...of the Nine, Guardian?"
  • "The Eliksni call you fierce killer, taker of great ships!"
  • "I took this staff long ago from Devil Captain Varjis, called Cle-ver-head-ed. He wasn't as clever as Variks."
  • "You look ready to fight today."
  • "Fallen, you call us. But we are Eliksni."
  • "You are going back to Earth now? Will you tell the City about Variks, friend?"
  • "You all look the same sometimes, but your scent I know."
  • "Send me your ship. I need the parts."
  • "My service to the Queen is... Com-pli-cated, guardian."
  • "We were great long ago... And strong, my house."
  • "I assure, what you're hearing of me are lies."
  • "Come below the Prison."
  • "I'll show you an good fight. Keep you strong and quick."
  • "Are you fighting today?"
  • "Come, Killer of Wolves."
  • "I shall help you."
  • "Do you see how I help you?"
  • "I help you, help me"
  • "You look ready to fight today"
  • "You bested Skolas. What follows?"
  • "Many fights await you."
  • "You are the greatest of warriors."
  • "You are welcome, among my House."
  • "I am of House Judgement, Guardian"
  • "We are friends now"
  • "Good good."
  • "Come here. I would have your scent"
  • "Sssssh, come here"
  • (unintelligible chattering, like a growl)
  • "We are friends, yes Guardian? Give me your Ghost."
  • "What does Petra need now?"
  • "Did a Crow send you? Or Petra? That prince Uldren?"
  • "Are you looking for the Prison, Guardian?"
  • "Not fighting today? Weak? Scared?"
  • "I am loyal to the Queen, all else you heard of me are lies."
  • "I was a Judgement scribe long ago. I had much respect."
  • "Be cautious about the Wolves up there, hiding."
  • "You put on a good show for us, Guardian"
  • "You're looking for Variks? You found Variks"
  • "We captured a terrible Hive beast. Caught it in the Dark. Even I don't know what it is."
  • "Just you? You need two friends. Strong ones."
  • "You work for me and I help you"
  • "We make a good team, no? I find Skolas, you fight Skolas. Tell Cayde he's no longer of use for Variks"
  • "You caught Skolas. You brought him to Judgement. You are my friend and you can stand there if you want."
  • "We catch all who seek to harm the Queen. You have the Crucible. We have Variks"
  • "Are you staring at my arms, Guardian? Where Skolas cut me? Look away."
  • "Tell me more of your Crucible. How you fight in the name of the Great Machine."
  • "One day soon I'll tell you the story of how our world ended. I'll tell you the story of the Great Machine."

Prison of Elders Quotes

  • (When introducing a particular class of enemy) "...They want to KILL you... ...Kill them ba-a-a-a-ck..."
  • "Impress me, ye-e-e-s-s?"
  • (After the Guardians successfully complete a round and linger in the area) "Head for the airlock, Guardian..."
  • (When sending a Heavy Ammo crate or Scorch Cannon)"I-i-i-ncoming..."

Shadow Thief Quotes

  • "Taniks has called you out, Guardian... ...You are challenged in the ways of o-o-o-o-ld..."


  • Variks is the only non-hostile Fallen that Guardians can interact with.
  • He will sometimes call other Fallen "pirate scum."
  • His upper arms are artificial; this is the reverse of normal Fallen practice, to amputate the lower two arms on dregs.
  • He is the only Fallen seen so far who known to fluently speak the Human language. His voice still has a distinct growl characteristic of Fallen.



  1. ^ House of Wolves
  2. ^ Planet Destiny: Complete "Reef Reveal" Recap
  3. ^ Bungie (2015-5-19), Destiny: House of Wolves, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Variks, The Loyal
  4. ^ Bungie (2015-5-19), Destiny: House of Wolves, PlayStation 4, Activision Blizzard, Grimoire: Skolas: Defeated