Forum:The Magician

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction The Magician Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
The Magician
Biographical information






Awoken/Shadowkeeper hybrid

Hair color:


Eye color:


Political and military information


Overseer of the Shaderunners/Advisor




"Dark and light, two different things that are both very strong, but in my opinion, Dark is better"

— Chase Niles, The Magician

Chase is and Advisor of the Shadowkeeper, he is very strong and killed a lot species in his life span there for he shouldn't be underestimated, he also is an overseer in the group known as the Shaderunners. tell him to do a magic trick and he will do it without a problem just not to much because then he will start to get annoyed


Night Daggers, Cane Gun


Summon Taken Hive, Summon Scorn, Levitation, Shadow weapons, Teleport, Shadow tentacles, Beam of darkness, Shadow Flames, Resurrection, duplicates


Steve Niles (Brother)

Kirito, the Shadow Emperor (Friend/Leader)

Asuna, the Shadow Empress (Friend/Leader)

Steve's creations (Sleep paralysis demons)


Leaving of Mallory

Chase was in his room getting ready for the meeting with the shadow emperor himself Kirito, but it seems the Shadow Emperor came to him early to announce some thing

"Emperor Kirito what brings you here? Well I- Hold on. Why would you need your Night daggers for a meeting? oh they're not for the meeting sir, they're for the attack on the House of Eclipse that Mallory, My brother, and I are going to be leading. Mallory? Of Course, I ordered her to assist me with the attack. Well there is only one problem with that. And what is that? Well,

Mallory Betrayed us to join the Guardians. ... Uhh Chase are you ok?" In anger The Magician throws his desk into a wall

"A TRAITOR WHEN MY MOMENT COMES" Chase storms at the room
"I'm going after the House of Eclipse early, best to use my anger as an advantage so I hope your fine delaying the meeting, and after the meeting I will kill that traitor."

The Second Collapse