Forum:Aphix Insurgent

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Aphix Insurgent Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png

Aphix Insurgent


Eliminate Sol Divisive
Study and worship the Light




Aphix Insurgent is Vex Collective that is located on the Reef that are more separated from the Vex and tends to study on a large fragment of the Traveler, that had somehow gotten onto the Reef. They are somewhat similar to the Sol Divisive.


Aphix Insurgent are identified by a bright orange color with purple painted circles on its chassis. However, some of their leading units has the same appearance of the Aphix Invasive, Precursors, and Virgo Prohibition. These Vex are rarely seen at all, being more hidden and more separated than the rest of the Vex. They tend to study a Fragment of the Traveler and Light itself, they help and operate with Guardians that comes to their way, as a means to study the Light more.

It was later mentioned by the Vex, that the Aphix Insurgent were, rebels of their collectives, in a similar fashion to the Sol Divisive.

Notable Members

Unique Forces

List of appearances