Forum:Korag, the Unfelled

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Forums: Index Fan Fiction Korag, the Unfelled Destiny-FrontierGhostShell.png
Korag, the Unfelled
Biographical information




Red Legion (formerly)
Neon Wraiths (currently)


Blood Guard (formerly)


Gladiator (special)



Combat information


The Unfallen


Cabal Headhunter
Cabal Severus
Solar Mines


Summon Cabal
High Durability
Rapid Movement
Limited Flight
Invisibility Tech
Summon Scorpii
Summon Taser Accipiters


"I'm not here to stand around and pointlessly bark orders to my weakling subordinates, that's not my calling. My calling is to kill, no matter how supposedly tough they are. May that answer the question about my collection I built up."
— Korag, the Unfelled

Korag, the Unfelled is an infamous, highly respected and notoriously skilled Gladiator, as well as a close friend and loyal subordinate of Thumos. Before she found herself within the ranks of the Neon Wraiths, she was once one of the Blood Guard's most vicious and elite warriors, gaining even more notoriety for final Guardian deaths, even after the reawakening of the Traveler. Although not dishonored like most of her Blood Guard brethren, she still deserted the battered Legion and became a nomad, traveling across the system in search of battles while also avoiding her former allies and judgement. However, her, once presumed dead, commander would offer her a position within the Neon Wraiths due to her skills and tactics.


List of Appearances