User:The Man From Overwhere

From Destinypedia, the Destiny wiki

Basic info



Overwhere (formerly)


July 19th


October 4, 2018


Mr. Moron">Mr. Moron




Mr. Moron">Mr. Moron

Recent activity
Edited the page Glacial Quake
"Not every page needs trivia. If there's no trivia, there's no trivia"
Edited the page Glacial Quake
"Just move this down to here. Now we have the gameplay. Removing Stub cal..."
Edited the page Winter's Wrath
Edited the page Winter's Wrath
"Just move this down to here. Now we have the gameplay. Removing Stub cal..."
Edited the page Silence and Squall
"Missed the period again :"
Edited the page Silence and Squall
"/* Trivia */ Trivia doesn't need an expand section request. If there's n..."
Edited the page Scathelocke
"As someone who's favorite weapon is Scathelocke, I can vouch for this up..."
Edited the page Strand
"/* Gallery */"
Edited the page Splinter of Darkness
"/* Gallery */"
Edited the page Raider
"/* Gallery */"
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About me

I was just here trying to do my best to make this place a little better. If you ever see a mistake I made; feel free to fix it. Not like I'm gonna complain. Might ask for elaboration, though, but don't ever think it's from a place of hostility. We're all working to make this place better. I just like learning and hearing from others.

I also regularly ask questions about issues I find here. Due to how old the site is, I often find inconsistencies so I often like asking about them and working on getting them fixed. I may not be a VIP here, but I like doing what I can.

Hobbies & interests

I write, I draw, and playing games. I am a pretty boring guy but at least I exist.

Favorite Destiny moment

The Final Shape. GG, Bungie.

Worst Destiny moment

Season of Defiance. It was such a nothing season I legit quit because of it. I came back for Final Shape but I will never return for good, and it's thanks to that blasted season my trust has been broken with this series.

Still here doing busywork, though. Because it's a fun pastime and someone's gotta update the little forgotten pages in the depths of this site and random stuff no one else has gotten to yet.

Anything else

I don't know I'm kind've just here.

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Dang. That sucks. Thanks for the answer.


You don’t need a Throne World to be ascendant, that isn’t a rule.


Plus, Nokris didn’t become a proper Ascendant or create his Throne World, Savathûn stopped him from completing that.


Thank you, I like your reference, some sweet symbolism there.