Operation Fulgurite (Abyss): Difference between revisions

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'''Operation Fulgurite (Abyss)''' is the fourth [[Mission]] of ''[[Season of the Deep]]''. [[The Guardian]] dives into the sea of [[Titan (moon)|Titan]] alongside [[Sloane]] and with support from [[Drifter]] and [[Ahsa]] to recover [[Egregore]] coral and confront an old enemy.
'''Operation Fulgurite (Abyss)''' is the fourth [[Mission]] of ''[[Season of the Deep]]'', accessed through the [[Into the Depths#Step 16 | Into the Depths]] quest. [[The Guardian]] dives into the sea of [[Titan (moon)|Titan]] alongside [[Sloane]] and with support from [[Drifter]] and [[Ahsa]] to recover [[Egregore]] coral and confront an old enemy.

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'''{Loading Screen}'''
*'''Zavala''': Fireteam, this is Operation Fulgurite. Scans have uncovered a rich shelf of Egregore coral at a depth we've yet to explore. So rich, in fact, that it has attracted the attention of a Taken Knight and their minions.
*'''Drifter''': And they're radiating Taken energy, turning our haul rancid.
*'''Sloane''': [clears throat]
*'''Drifter''': Uh, you don't mind if I take it from here — do ya, Big Blue? Good. We're diving into the dark and robbin' the Taken blind! Woo! Let's be heroes.
*'''Zavala''': Indeed.
'''Bathypelagic Midnight, New Pacific Arcology, Titan'''
''The Guardian transmats in 2750 meters into the Methane Sea.''
''The Guardian opens the airlock into the area.''
*'''Sloane''': Just so we're clear: disrespect the commander again, I'll hurl you off the Arcology like a shot put.
*'''Drifter''': That all it'll take to get you to surface? I'm betting the ocean floor feels like home sweet home now... eh, chief?
*'''Sloane''': Deputy Commander.
*'''Drifter''': Get swallowed up by anything big while you were out there?
*'''Sloane''': [sighs] Not much cover at seafloor. Before Ahsa, they tried.
*'''Drifter''': Doesn't sound so bad. Open space, cozy long-girl. How'd you sleep?
*'''Sloane''': Like a lamb in power armor — stay on mission! And don't call her that.
''The Guardian fends for themselves against stray taken.''
''The Guardian receives one of the offered [[Deep Dive#Ahsa's Gift| blessings]] from Ahsa.''
''The Guardian dives up to 3500 meters into the Methane Sea.''
'''Abyssopelagic Abyss, New Pacific Arcology, Titan'''
*'''Drifter''': Thing is... since you strapped on that rig and walked out into the deep, I've been itching to know... you regret it?
*'''Sloane''': Worried you couldn't hack it? From what I hear, you're a survivalist.
*'''Drifter''': [chuckles] I've run from every damn thing, if that's surviving. But, uh... you commit.
''The Guardian dives up to 4000 meters into the Methane Sea.''
*'''Drifter''': [sighs] I'm fixing to commit to something stupid myself — get swept up in a cause. So be real. You regret it?
*'''Sloane''': The Vanguard had a file on you. Doesn't paint you as the hero type. YOU might regret it.
*'''Drifter''': Well, ain't that the truth?
''The Guardian reaches a pocket of air in a cave at 4450 meters.''
''The Guardian plants the Egregore Resonator.''
*'''Sloane''': Deploying tsunameter. This whole shelf is contaminated.
''Taken, including Coral Devourers, arrive contaminating the coral samples.''
'''Egregore coral purified!'''
''The Guardian cleanses the corrupted coral by purifying them in a tsunameters.''
'''Interlopers approaching!'''
''Wrathful Interlopers arrive.''
*'''Sloane''': Stop, stop! ENOUGH!
''The Guardian defeats the Wrathful Interlopers.''
*'''Drifter''': Keep it coming. I've seen you run Motes faster than this — pick it up!
''More Coral Devourers alongside Servile Hobgoblins arrive contaminating the coral samples.''
''The Guardian cleanses the corrupted coral by purifying them in a tsunameters.''
*'''Sloane''': Guardian, I Just tangoed with a massive Taken Knight — clocked 'em, but they're right behind me. I'll keep their attention — wait. They're gone!
*'''Drifter''': That Knight's headed your way, hero. Get ready for a showdown.
''The Guardian is forcibly pulled through a taken portal.''
'''Asphyxiator’s Hollow, New Pacific Arcology, Titan'''
''The Guardian is taken 5000 meters into the Methane Sea.''
''The Guardian plants the Egregore Resonator.''
''Kelgorath, Taken from Bones arrives''
*'''Sloane''': I'm cut off. Give 'em hell, Guardian!
''The Guardian defeats Kelgorath, Taken from Bones and their blights.''
''The Guardian extracts the egregore coral''
*'''Drifter''': Aw, they shoulda kept running! Look at 'em now: they're dead! Ha ha!
*'''Sloane''': [pants heavily] Well, if you didn't need the backup, I could have saved myself the leg cramps. [exhales in exhaustion] Let's exfil. Get this back to the long-girl — yes, I like it — and hear what she's got for us.
*'''Drifter''': See? It grows on you. Talking with her must be a trip and a half.
*'''Sloane''': [chuckles] It's a bit like... wandering out into the dark. You're lost for a minute, but... then your eyes adjust, and you acclimate. Things normalize.
*'''Drifter''': One foot in front of the other. Funny how many things work like that.
*'''Sloane''': Ain't that the truth.
''The Guardian opens the Deep Chest''
