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[[File:Sloane Utopia 1.PNG|thumb|300px|right|Sloane attempts to caution Zavala's plans to assault ''The Almighty''.]]
[[File:Sloane Utopia 1.PNG|thumb|300px|right|Sloane attempts to caution Zavala's plans to assault ''The Almighty''.]]
When the Guardian returned to the command center in Siren's Watch, Sloane took a brief moment to admire the view and thanked them for helping get the command center powered. She then revealed that she was ready to begin plotting the Vanguard's counterattack against the Red Legion and needed their help to do it. The first step was to decode the transmissions they had intercepted using an advanced CPU that Amanda had detected deeper into the Arcology complex. Sloane warned the Young Wolf that they had no intel on the Hive presence within and was worried that they could be summoning anything in their warrens. Despite the heavy Hive presence, the Young Wolf succeeded in their mission and Sloane used the CPU to decrypt the transmissions. To her horror, she learned the Red Legion had positioned a superweapon known as ''[[The Almighty]]'' in orbit of the sun and would use it to destroy the entire solar system once they had what they wanted, and that they had done so to hundreds of other systems they conquered. Sloane briefed Zavala and the Young Wolf on the situation, and defeatedly noted that the war was already essentially lost. Zavala refused to believe that and decided that they would launch an all-out assault on ''The Almighty'' and questioned when the fleet would be ready to attack. Sloane tried to caution him, but he cut her off, noting that if they waited they would all die and that their only hope was to fight and reclaim the Last City and their Light, ending with a declaration that he needed the rest of his fireteam, [[Cayde-6]] and [[Ikora Rey]].<ref>'''Bungie (2017/9/8)''', ''[[Destiny 2]]: Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, [[Utopia]]''</ref>
When the Guardian returned to the command center in Siren's Watch, Sloane took a brief moment to admire the view and thanked them for helping get the command center powered. She then revealed that she was ready to begin plotting the Vanguard's counterattack against the Red Legion and needed their help to do it. The first step was to decode the transmissions they had intercepted using an advanced CPU that Amanda had detected deeper into the Arcology complex. Sloane warned the Young Wolf that they had no intel on the Hive presence within and was worried that they could be summoning anything in their warrens. Despite the heavy Hive presence, the Young Wolf succeeded in their mission and Sloane used the CPU to decrypt the transmissions. To her horror, she learned the Red Legion had positioned a superweapon known as ''[[The Almighty]]'' in orbit of the sun and would use it to destroy the entire solar system once they had what they wanted, and that they had done so to hundreds of other systems they conquered. Sloane briefed Zavala and the Young Wolf on the situation, and defeatedly noted that the war was already essentially lost. Zavala refused to believe that and decided that they would launch an all-out assault on ''The Almighty'' and questioned when the fleet would be ready to attack. Sloane tried to caution him, but he cut her off, noting that if they waited they would all die and that their only hope was to fight and reclaim the Last City and their Light, ending with a declaration that he needed the rest of his fireteam, [[Cayde-6]] and [[Ikora Rey]].<ref>'''Bungie (2017/9/8)''', ''[[Destiny 2]]: Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, [[Utopia]]''</ref>
====Retaking Earth====
After Cayde and Ikora joined Zavala, the Young Wolf, and the rest of the resistance at [[The Farm]] on Earth, Sloane continued to provide tactical support and plan operations from her outpost on Titan. She contacted the Young Wolf upon learning that the Red Legion was moving high-yield explosives in the [[Sunken Isles]] near [[Firebase Hades]] in the [[European Dead Zone]]. Sloane directed for them to be destroyed, although [[Suraya Hawthorne]] protested that they could be used against the Cabal. A intercepted manifest pointed to the location of the remaining explosives within the firebase, and Sloane wanted them transmatted away. Hawthorne suggested using transmat juice to detonate them, which Sloane incredulously repeated, but Hawthorne shot back that she probably did not know how transmats worked either. Realizing that she did not, Sloane quickly declared that the topic was not relevant and ordered the Young Wolf into the base, where they placed transmat beacons on three explosive devices. Sloane detected several heavy tanks offline near the Young Wolf's position and ordered them to leave before they were activated, but Hawthorne interrupted and told them to go outside to the tanks. Sloane was skeptical of what she was planning, but her skepticism turned to admiration when Hawthorne told them to retransmat the explosives to the tanks. She had the Young Wolf guard the explosives from a Cabal counterattack while their Ghost prepared them for detonation and told Hawthorne that this was a good plan. Once the explosives were detonated and the tanks destroyed, Sloane requested the Young Wolf withdraw before more Cabal arrived. After they escaped the base, Sloane congratulated everyone on their successful mission and declared she would track down the explosives that had been sent away, while Hawthorne declared they made a good team and should work together again in the future.<ref>'''Bungie (2017/9/8)''', ''[[Destiny 2]]: Playstation 4, Activision Blizzard, [[No Safe Distance]]''</ref>

===Securing Titan===
===Securing Titan===