Forum:Neon Wraiths (reworked): Difference between revisions

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**Magma Scorpius
**Magma Scorpius - Scorpius turrets that launches magma at a rate similar to that of the Launcher.
**Sniper Scorpius
***Incinerator Scorpius - Heavily modified variations of the Magma Scorpii that launch magma at a similar rate to that of the Throwers. More resilient, can launch magma to a longer distance and sports a durable frontal shield. Bears a weak point in the form of a red, horizontally oriented fuel canister that will cause a violent explosion from the Shank.
**Razorback Scorpius
**Sniper Scorpius - Scorpius turrets fit with a Cabal Headhunter. Rounds launch at a higher velocity than that of standard Headhunters.
**Artillery Scorpius
**Razorback Scorpius - Scorpius turrets that can launch a barrage of Cluster Missiles at an opponent. Takes some time to fire again, but can fire an impressive amount of missiles at once. Violently explodes when destroyed.
**Wraith Scorpius
**Artillery Scorpius - Scorpius turrets equipped with Projection rifles. Deals more damage but fires at a remarkable slower rate. Violently explodes when destroyed.
**Empowered Scorpius
**Wraith Scorpius - Elite/Major Scorpii belonging to the Neon Wraiths.
**Apex Scorpius - Larger Scorpii with slight mobility and increased resilience. Sports a durable frontal shield. Can be crippled with shots to the leg.
**Wraith Accipiter
*Accipiter - Miniature levitating drones often found supporting Optios on the field, but can be found individually scouting or in hordes. Equipped with a miniaturized [[Slug Rifle]] that deals less damage than a standard Slug Rifle but can make them a considerable enough threat still.
**Empowered Accipiter
**Wraith Accipiter - Elite/Major Accipiters belonging to the Neon Wraiths.
**Shielder Accipiter - Accipiters capable of providing their allies immune shields.
**Wraith Desolator
*Desolator - Massive quadrupedal assault vehicles equipped with all matters of weapons, including a chin-mounted heavy slug thrower, two back-mounted missile racks and two twin Slug Launcher turrets on both sides of the assault vehicle. Can also spool up a powerful Solar beam that can easily rinse enemy opposition. Can deploy Accipiter drones to support it. Can strike an opponent with one of its legs to deal susceptible damage and knock them back.
**Wraith Desolator - Elite/Major Desolators belonging to the Neon Wraiths.
**Apex Desolator - Larger Desolator fitted with more formidable weaponry. Can temporarily activate a dome shield to protect itself or a permanent segmented shield to protect themselves from combatants. Can use thrusters as an AoE attack to keep opponents away.