Garden of Salvation: Difference between revisions

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This is pretty simple but its very easy to fail, because of the inmense amount of coordination with the players which will have certain roles.
This is pretty simple but its very easy to fail, because of the inmense amount of coordination with the players which will have certain roles.
To give some context, upon completing the tether puzzle I mentioned before in the first encounter, you will walk to a section of the raid which has 4 relays spread across the map. You can imagine this as a diamond shaped map and thats correct.  
To give some context, upon completing the tether puzzle I mentioned before in the first encounter, you will walk to a section of the raid which has 4 relays spread across the map. You can imagine this as a diamond shaped map and thats correct.  
[[File:Summon the Consecrated Mind Map.png|thumb|center]]
[[File:Summon the Consecrated Mind Map.png|thumb|left]]

As you can see, there are 4 relays spread across the map, as I said before. The fireteam, in this case, will split into 4 defenders and 2 runners.
As you can see, there are 4 relays spread across the map, as I said before. The fireteam, in this case, will split into 4 defenders and 2 runners. Their job will be as follows:
        The defenders will be split across the 4 relays in each corner of the map. Their job will be keeping white-shielded Vex away from these relays, because they want to sacrifice in order to detonate the relay and wipe the whole team. How will they be able to destroy those? Well, there is a tether box, what a surprise. This is where the runners cooperate with the defenders.
        The runners will have the job of refreshing a certain buff you get when you link a tether cube with a relay. This buff is important, since it allows the player to damage the shield of the Vex trying to sacrifice. The runners, since they are two, they will be cooperating each with 2 defenders at the same time, refreshing the buff and also helping them with enemies, since they are alone at the relays. Lets say for example, as you can see, position 1 and 2, which are Underbrush and Thicket (no one calls their positions like that, they use numbers). The first runner will be in charge of refreshing positions 1 and 2 everytime they have like 10 seconds remaining of the buff.
Take into account that there is a long path between each position, but dont worry, since there are portals in each position that trigger once a buff is refreshed, which allow you to warp between relays and make the whole buff thing faster.
Now, when is the encounter over? This encounter is based on rounds. The way of completing the encounter is by killing Angelics, which are boss-like Hydras. Each round, which are like 3 or 4 by my calculations, there will be Angelics spawning in each relay position, they must be killed of course. Rarely, there will be 3 angelics at one position but thats fine, its supposed to happen at least in one corner. The defender is meant to notify the runner when this happens, so he or she can aid their partner.
Once the 3 or 4 rounds of Angelics passes, the gates in the middle will open. Everyone must run inmediately to the center of the map, which is position 5 in the map. After everyone reaches the center, the second encounter will be done. Yay! You get some loot!

===Defeat The Consecrated Mind===
===Defeat The Consecrated Mind===