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*'''Anti-Air Goliath'''—Goliath Tanks whos turret is replaced with a turret that fires semi-explosive slugs at a target. Less resilient compared to other Goliaths.
*'''Anti-Air Goliath'''—Goliath Tanks whos turret is replaced with a turret that fires semi-explosive slugs at a target. Less resilient compared to other Goliaths.
*'''Juggernaut'''—Largest ground “troop” of the Neon Wraiths. The Juggernaut is a bipedal, heavily armored and armed mech piloted by Cabal Legionaries. Weak points are determined by the type of Juggernaut. There are 6 variants.
**'''Welder Juggernaut'''—Juggernaut variant that carries a Flamethrower. Has the ability to charge an opponent and, if hit, knocks them back and burns them. They send out a heat wave if the enemy attempts to close in. Weak point is located on specific vents on their Flame pack.
**'''Enforcer Juggernaut'''—Juggernaut variant that carries a Heavy Slug Thrower. Carries a wrist-mounted spike launcher that pins an enemy to any hard surface. Punches an enemy which knocks them to the ground and disorients them. Weak point is located anywhere on their ammunitions pack.
**'''Mortar Juggernaut'''—Juggernaut variant that carries a Projection Rifle. Carries a back-mounted Mortar that fires arcing explosives at their opponents rather precisely. If an enemy is nearby, they will grab an explosive mortar from their pack and throws it to the ground. Enemies, Guardians in particular, will, more often than not, be killed in the explosion, and the Juggernaut will take 15% of its health. Weak points are located on its aforementioned mortar rounds.
**'''Pulse Juggernaut'''—Juggernaut variant that carries any type of common weapon. Much like a Cornicen, they utilize psionic abilities, although more powerful. Arc ability sends a splitting wave that blind and knocks back opponents. Void ability shields allies with a temporary immunity shield. Solar ability summons thermal vents that burns and launch opponents in the air. If an enemy is near, they will gather psionic energy and slam the ground. Arc disorients, Void slows, and Solar burns. Weak point is located on it’s psionic amplifiers on it’s pack.
**'''Splicer Juggernaut'''—Juggernaut variant that now carries weapons from other races. Fallen variant summons Cabal-modified [[Shank]]s, Hive variant summons a longer, taller wall of darkness, and Vex variant packs a rotating shield. For close-quarters, Fallen emits a static wave, Hive “sheds” Solar energy, and Vex fires off a purge wave. Fallen weak point is located on the ramshackle Shank foundry, Hive is on the individual sigils, and Vex is on the Hydra corpse hanging on it’s back.
**'''Veteran Juggernaut'''—[[Ultra]] Juggernaut variant that carries two different weapons rather than one. Specializes in 2 of the other fields mentioned and uses the abilities mutually. Regardless of type, they always carry a missile launcher and use a quake ability that grounds anyone in the arena. Weak spots depend on what variants make up the Veteran.

*'''Neon Scorpio'''—More resilient Scorpius turrets that have more weapon capabilities. Can be deployed by a [[Major]] Optio.
*'''Neon Scorpio'''—More resilient Scorpius turrets that have more weapon capabilities. Can be deployed by a [[Major]] Optio.