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====Divine Chorus====
====Divine Chorus====
{{Quote|I was made indispensable to them. I sang with pride and conviction in our Polyphony and I felt as my voice and mind breathed life for our world. I felt my power mend our broken world, purging away the radiation of our chromatic warheads and influence of death thoughts. To them I was... I thought I was the perfect tool. And I was a fool to think so.|Skira recounting her past}}
{{Quote|I was made indispensable to them. I sang with pride and conviction in our Polyphony and I felt as my voice and mind breathed life for our world. I felt my power mend our broken world, purging away the radiation of our chromatic warheads and influence of death thoughts. To them I was... I thought I was the perfect tool. And I was a fool to think so.|Skira recounting her past}}
From a young age, Skira and her fellow hatchlings were groomed to be tactful and powerful Divine Singers of [[Forum:The Polyphony|the Polyphony]]. Particularly strong willed and psionically adept, her instructors would take a liking to the young Skira and assigned her to lead many of her peer's mending songs, channeling darkness and light energies to heal their wounded world, as lethal radiation from the wars past was purged and the natural landscapes were reconstructed back to their original shapes in the living memory of the world. Due to her station and the perceptions of her peers and superiors, she became a loyal follower the Polyphony and those that led the design, which was only further stoked by the elites of the Polyphony, gifting her luxuries and rewards of the greatest form, riches, garments, the finest and finely engraved channeling bells and the most extravagant of nests, earning the envy and jealousy of her peers over time.

Eventually, Skira would meet a mate whom would temper her loyalties into independence and love, creating a clutch of eggs in one of her more humble of nests. Only one egg would survive, however, as a jealous rival would smash most of the eggs before being torturously slain by an enraged Skira, hatching a son named [[Forum:Sharath|Sharath]]. Although Skira would regret the blood spilt during that violent and agonizing bout, she would unknowingly catch the attention of [[Nezarec, Final God of Pain|Nezarec]], who was scouting the world for the Traveler's influence. Following this event, Skira slowly began to question the integrity of the Polyphony, which was slowly encouraged by the counsel her mate and the loss of most of her children, and would start to see the injustices of the Polyphony as a whole, seeing their great songs merely means for them to squabble over the ravaged lands for their own personal gain.
====Betrayal and Tutelage====
====Betrayal and Tutelage====
{{Quote|"I can feel your rage overflowing. It fuels you as much as it does me. (...) I like you. Perhaps we can work on an arrangement." <br> "Like what?" <br> "How about revenge?" <br> "Yeah, perhaps... (...) perhaps that is exactly what I need."|[[Nezarec]] and Skira conversing months following her exile}}
{{Quote|"I can feel your rage overflowing. It fuels you as much as it does me. (...) I like you. Perhaps we can work on an arrangement." <br> "Like what?" <br> "How about revenge?" <br> "Yeah, perhaps... (...) perhaps that is exactly what I need."|[[Nezarec]] and Skira conversing years following her exile}}
Though she would not openly confront the Polyphony on these issues, many in the upper circles began to notice her refutal of bribes and gifts and conspired to eliminate a possible threat to their livelihoods and positions. In the months following, a great disaster claimed a grand mountain range, and was believed to be the result of cascading psionic energy. Being a high singer of the grand chorus, Skira would be framed for invoking the incident and was sentenced to execution. However, her mate would plead for amnesty or a change of the sentence; however, his words would be twisted into contempt and conspiracy by those in the court, and the execution charge would be changed to him. Although Skira would be exiled instead, she would be forced to watch as her mate would be beheaded before her eyes. As she would be cast out into the wilderness, fresh with the murder of her mate in mind and separated from her only child, she would promise vengeance upon all involved, crying out that all will burn for their sins as she would be cast into the irradiated wastes, clipped of wings and deprived of song.

For years, she would stew in the radiation blasted deserts, barely surviving off the vicious wildlife that survived the hostile wastes. Surviving off the spoiled meat of poisoned animals and surviving in cragged caves with broken wings, her rage only further increased, and plan after plan would be mustered for vengeance; all of which she deemed impossible in her eyes, as grief and hopelessness slowly consumed her. One night, the sky would be torn apart by the arrival of an [[Pyramid|alien ship]], drawing her, and a trio of Polyphony hunters' attention. Encountering each other, the hunters would harass the broken survivor of Skira, beating her down, berating and insulting her for her treachery. A breaking point would be reached as one would mention the death of her mate and her son. In a fit of furious rage, Skira would seize one of the hunters' axes before rapidly slaughtering the two others and agonizingly killing the last one, cutting him apart limb from limb, piece by piece. But as she carved apart the remaining screaming hunter, she did not feel remorse as she did when she killed her first victim; now, she felt justice for the pain she endured.
Following the brutal slaughter, she would be confronted by Nezarec, who was impressed with her fit of fury and application of agony and sought to train her in the ways of [[The Witness|the Witness]]. Promised vengeance for the injustices she faced, she eagerly accepted his aid and, in the weeks of training, the resonant power of the Black Fleet and the residual psionic power of the Final God of Pain, Skira would slowly heal from the wounds she gained from her exile. As more and more Polyphony crews investigated the wastes, she would apply her new knowledge bestowed by her new master against them, slaughtering many of them with her appropriated battle-axe, haunting and crushing others with her psionic power and tormenting those of higher status as a form of twisted justice. Slowly but surely, all sense of humanity and compassion for her kind vanished, only replaced by a sinister sense of brutal judgement paired with the knowledge of the Final Shape; those worthy of her respect and mercy are those who could survive and fight to the bitter end.
====Subjugation of Kshiral====
{{Quote|--It does not anger you that your world now belongs to us? It does not anger you that the voices of your great choir are silenced for good?-- <br> "Why should I be angry? (...) They got exactly what they deserved; justice for their pride."|The Witness discussing Kshiral's suspension in [[Macrocosm]]}}
{{Quote|--It does not anger you that your world now belongs to us? It does not anger you that the voices of your great choir are silenced for good?-- <br> "Why should I be angry? (...) They got exactly what they deserved; justice for their pride."|The Witness discussing Kshiral's suspension in [[Macrocosm]]}}