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Much like Substratum, Repository is mainly about locking down conduits in each room with little concern for any other pressing gameplay mechanic. However, this encounter introduces a new resonance, Hexahedral resonance which is acquired from a resonance spot with a cube shape at its center. Additionally, a Witness hand will emerge from the walls to unleash a beam of searing energy at players from the side. Before starting, the fireteam should split into three teams of two, which should stick together throughout the encounter and should have their plates connected.
After depositing the resonance into the chest, the encounter will begin as [[Threshold Sentinel]]s will spawn on each side. When these Tormentors are eliminated, the person that landed a killing blow on the [[Ultra]] unit will acquire the Stolen Favor buff which will allow them to see what resonance is needed for their conduit. Preferably, the player locking down the conduit should have this buff. However, once all Tormentors are eliminated on each side, a bunch of [[Honored Scorpius]] turrets will spawn on elevated platforms all over the arena, pelting the fireteam with a constant hailstorm of bullets until they or their targets are eliminated. After any pressing threat is eliminated, the teams should start to bounce charges between each other until all resonance is spawned. Unlike the previous encounters, however, the resonances will spawn only on certain sides, with hexahedral spawning on right, circular in middle and trigonal on left, so once the conduit is read and the charges are bounced, the players should seek to acquire as much resonance as possible, with the conduit players acquiring the resonance they need for last. Again, like Substratum, once a plate loses its charge, a Subjugator will spawn, which will lock down the conduit and plates as long as they are alive. Once the resonances are acquired and the subjugators eliminated, the team should then work on locking down the conduits and all rendezvous in the direct middle to deposit their resonances into the chest to extend the wipe timer; Honored Scorpii will spawn once the conduits are locked down as well, so Guardians should also eliminate them with haste. After depositing all their resonance, hopefully capping the timer back up to 3:30, the fireteam should eliminate all [[Shadow Legion]] forces, as well as an [[Unstoppable Incendior]] whom has joined the fray. Once the Unstoppable has been eliminated, the fireteam should advance to the next room ahead and repeat the process.
However, the main caveat with this encounter is that, as the rooms progress, the circuits between plates should overlap and switch sides. For example, in the first room, the plates go straight to each other: left to left, mid to mid, and right to right. The next room, however, alters this slightly, with left going to middle, and middle going to left; right still goes to right. In the final room, however, all sides are changed, with left going to middle, middle going to right, and right going to left. While players can simply go to their respective sides, it is recommended that the fireteam keeps the three team strategy to better coordinate bouncing charges and prevent snags with having to either restart the plates or deal with another Subjugator.
