User:AndreaPz01/Fanfiction: Difference between revisions

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| [[Forum:The Scarlet Celebration|The Scarlet Celebration]] || [[Neptune]] || || [[Cabal]] || [[Head Chef|Typhon Head Chef]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Vul'ourn, Shadow Legion Supply Master|Valus Tolurk, Chief od Excesses]]
| [[Forum:The Scarlet Celebration|The Scarlet Celebration]] || [[Neptune]] || || [[Cabal]] || [[Head Chef|Typhon Head Chef]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Vul'ourn, Shadow Legion Supply Master|Valus Tolurk, Chief od Excesses]]
| [[Liminality|The Liminal Cage]] || [[The Pale Heart]] || || [[The Dread|Dread]] || [[Arak-Thul, the Arisen|Kerr-Ath, Seeker of Wishes]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Kataxiia, Tormentor of the Ahamkara]]
| [[Forum:The Burrowing Roots|The Burrowing Roots]] || [[The Pale Heart]] || || [[Vex]] || [[Aspirational Construct|Malignant Seeds]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Consecrated Mind, Sol Inherent|Raxydil, Blossoming Mind]]
| [[The Arms Dealer]] || [[Earth]] ||  
The Imperial Cabal have discovered that a unknown Cabal commander is providing military assistance to the Shadow Legion's invasion. <br> From his warship anchored on Earth he has gathered an army of bloodthirsty veterans and rebuilt a base of operations. <br> Stop whoever calls himself Zahn and his production of new, dangerous weapons before they fall into the hands of the dark Cabal.
|| The Shadow Legion once again produced a clone of Zahn and reactivated his base to regain his warfare capabilities. Stop the mercenary and put an end to his operations and weapons.
|| *Overload the Shadow Legion systems (Fusion Cell barrier) <br> *Eliminate Zahn's forces (Kill powerful Cabal) <br> *Clear a path ([[Pyramid Goliath]] X2 <br> *Break through Zahn's defenses (Many Cabal and Fusion Cell barriers) <br> *Defear Zahn
|| [[Cabal]]
|| [[Pyramid Goliath]] X2 {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Bracus Zahn|Val Zahn]]
| [[Lake of Shadows|The Stained Lake]] || [[Earth]]  ||
Mara's techeuns have detected a great blight of power emerging from the Ascendant Plane onto Earth. <br> The Taken are assisting the Shadow Legion's invasion with the aim of corrupting the region and establishing a foothold for more dark hordes. <br> Stop the source of the Taken before they can stain a shard of the Traveler and use it to consolidate their lair.
|| The Taken have resurfaced on Earth and stubbornly pursue their goal of staining the Light of the lake. Stop the Taken that embodies their blight before it spreads.
|| *Escort the payload (Payload defense) <br> *Clear the Blight ([[Baimogg, Unchained Wrath]]) <br> *Eliminate Taken stains (Kill powerful Taken) <br> *Find the source of Taken corruption (Hold corrupted zones to clean) <br> *Defear Gor'ath
|| [[Taken]]
|| [[Baimogg, Unchained Wrath]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Gor'ath Gath|Valus Gor'ath, Chained by the Shadows]]
| [[The Arms Dealer]] {{c|Reprised}} || [[Earth]] || [[Forum:First Witness War|First Witness War]] || [[Cabal]] || [[Pyramid Goliath]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Bracus Zahn|Val Zahn]]
| [[Savathûn's Song (strike)|The War Song]] || [[Titan (moon)|Titan]] ||
Ahsa has sensed a sudden and powerful surge of dark magic in the depths of an Arcology. The forces of Xivu Arath appear poised to complete an ascendant ritual of unknown potential. Stop the Hive before they can finish their preparations and obtain a beachhead on Titan
|| The forces of Xivu Arath have once again gathered in the depths of Titan to complete their mad ritual. Stop the construct of the God of War from continuing to spread its viral song.
|| *Access the Arboretum (Open door and waves) <br> *Find a way to lower the Hive barrier (Void orbs and Void crystals) <br> *Get past the Hive hordes ([[High Ogre of Xivu Arath]]) <br> *Disrupt the ritual ([[Scream of Xivu Arath]] Void orbs and Void crystals) <br> *Defeat the Warsong
|| [[Hive]]
|| [[High Ogre of Xivu Arath]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Scream of Xivu Arath]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Warwatcher, Eye of Xivu Arath|Xivu Arath's Warsong]]  
| [[Lake of Shadows|The Stained Lake]] {{c|Reprised}} || [[Earth]] || [[Forum:First Witness War|First Witness War]] || [[Taken]] || [[Baimogg, Unchained Wrath]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Gor'ath Gath|Valus Gor'ath, Chained by the Shadows]]
| [[Exodus Crash|The Exodus Corpse]] || [[Titan (moon)|Titan]] ||  
The Imperial Cabal fleet has detected a Ketch that has entered Titan's atmosphere and descended near an Arcology. <br> These Fallen, their affiliation unknown, are headed towards the wreck of a Golden Age colony ship. <br> Stop the Baron leading the reckless scavengers before they can steal advanced technology or Hive secrets.
||The corpses of the Fallen enslaved by Xivu Arath have returned to scavenge the wreck of the colony ship for their new master. Stop these soulless Wrathborn from finding whatever they are looking for on Titan
|| *Infiltrate the Exodus hull (Arc charge to clean field) <br> *Find a way to lower the Fallen barrier (Defend plate then [[HKD-1, Instrument of Xivu Arath|VR4L-1, Virulent Jammer]]) <br> *Get past the Fallen defenses ([[Arsenal Walker|Wrathborn Spider]]) <br> *Disable the electrical field (Arc charges to clean field) <br> *Defeat the Husk
|| [[Fallen]]
|| [[HKD-1, Instrument of Xivu Arath|VR4L-1, Virulent Jammer]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Arsenal Walker|Wrathborn Spider]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Thaviks, the Depraved|Thekis, Depraved Husk]]
| [[Savathûn's Song (strike)|The War Song]] {{c|Reprised}} || [[Titan (moon)|Titan]] || [[Forum:Fourth Xivu Arath's Offensive|Fourth Xivu Arath's Offensive]] || [[Hive]] || [[High Ogre of Xivu Arath]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Scream of Xivu Arath]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Warwatcher, Eye of Xivu Arath|Xivu Arath's Warsong]]  
| [[Liminality|The Liminal Cage]] || [[The Pale Heart|Pale Heart]] ||  
Crow has found a sector of the Pale Heart where paracusal energies are altered by what appears to be the signature of an Ahamkara. <br> Forces of the Lucent Hive are pouring en masse to the location under Dread control. <br> Stop the Tormentor from using this anomaly and break the Witness' hold on the mysterious site.
|| The Dread has managed to regain possession of the Ahamkara anomaly, and the Shining Hive has launched a new assault to gain its powers. Stop both forces and cleanse the site of the Dread corruption.
|| *Drain the corruption <br> *Break Lucent Hive seals <br> Defeat the Tormentor (skulls) <br> *Survive the Dark City <br> *Defeat Kataxiia
|| [[Hive]] <br> [[The Dread|Dread]]  
|| [[Arak-Thul, the Arisen|Kerr-Ath, Seeker of Wishes]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Kataxiia, Tormentor of the Ahamkara]]
| [[Exodus Crash|The Exodus Corpse]] {{c|Reprised}} || [[Titan (moon)|Titan]] || [[Forum:Fourth Xivu Arath's Offensive|Fourth Xivu Arath's Offensive]] || [[Fallen]] || [[HKD-1, Instrument of Xivu Arath|VR4L-1, Virulent Jammer]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Arsenal Walker|Wrathborn Spider]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Thaviks, the Depraved|Thekis, Depraved Husk]]
| [[Forum:The Burrowing Roots (strike)|The Burrowing Roots]]|| [[The Pale Heart|Pale Heart]] ||  
Ikora's Hidden network has raised the alarm: the Vex have found a way to access the Pale Heart on their own and have begun to build inside it. <br> The Sol Divisive is fascinated by the rich paracausal forces that flow in every branch of this world and their plans are unknown. <br> Stop the Vex Mind that has infiltrated the Traveler's cortex and eradicate the product of its machinations.
|| The Sol Divisive rebuilt its Mind and grafted itself back into the Traveler. Stop the Vex from transcending and break their hold on the Silver Tree that regulates the flow of paracausal energies.
|| *Clear the Vex structures <br> Destabilize the Vex <br> *Eradicate the Seeds <br> *Clear the Tree's roots <br> *Defeat Raxydil
|| [[Vex]]
|| [[Aspirational Construct|Malignant Seeds]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Consecrated Mind, Sol Inherent|Raxydil, Blossoming Mind]]
| [[The Insight Terminus|The Shaded Terminus]] {{c|Reprised}} || [[Ganymede]] || [[Forum:Conductor's Offensive|Conductor's Offensive]] || [[Cabal]] || [[Eexonios, Pledged to Yirix|Haarakt, Subjugator of Terminals]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Bracus Viguln, Shadow Legion|Flayerbound Bracus]] X2 {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Kargen, the Technocrat|Shylar, Needle of Yirix]]
| [[The Insight Terminus|The Shaded Terminus]] || [[Arcadian Valley]], [[Ganymede]] ||  
The Shadow Legion has stormed a key terminal of the Compelled Collective deep within Ganymede. <br> The Vex compelled by the Conductor seem unable to build a proper defense and their structure is in disarray. <br> Stop the Psion Flayer leading the Dark Cabal before they can build a connection to the Vex Network and use it for their own goals.
|| A new incursion by the Shadow Legion has penetrated the Vex defenses and reached the depths of Ganymede. Stop the clone of the Psion Flayer leading them before it can reconnect to the Vex Network.
|| *Get past the Shadow Legion block ([[Eexonios, Pledged to Yirix|Haarakt, Subjugator of Terminals]]) <br> *Drive away the redirected Compelled Vex (Hold plate against waves) <br> *Find a way to overcome the barrier and chase Shylar ([[Bracus Viguln, Shadow Legion|Flayerbound Bracus]] X2 and clear plates) <br> *Delve deeper into the Vex structure (Cabal and Vex forces) <br> *Defeat Shylar
|| [[Vex]] <br> [[Cabal]]
|| [[Eexonios, Pledged to Yirix|Haarakt, Subjugator of Terminals]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Bracus Viguln, Shadow Legion|Flayerbound Bracus]] X2 <br> [[Kargen, the Technocrat|Shylar, Needle of Yirix]]
| [[The Inverted Spire|The Inverted Spike]] {{c|Reprised}} || [[Ganymede]] || [[Forum:Conductor's Offensive|Conductor's Offensive]] || [[Vex]] || [[Compelled Akarus, Wrathful Mind]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Protheon, Modular Mind|Protheon, Choral Modular Mind]]
| [[The Inverted Spire|The Inverted Spike]] || [[Arcadian Valley]], [[Ganymede]] ||  
Failsafe has detected a spike in Compelled Collective and tectonic activity beneath the surface of Ganymede. <br> The Shadow Legion's defenses at the old Cabal mining sites are being overrun by Vex who exhibit new fighting tactics. <br> Stop the Choral Schism assault and destroy the new combat Mind leading them before it becomes operational.
|| The Compelled Collective has reactivated and launched an assault on the old Cabal drilling site. Stop the machine's attack and destroy their combat Mind before it is unleashed on Ganymede.
|| *Access the conflux (Vex waves and destroy crystals) <br> *Clear the Shadow Legion fortifications (Defeat Cabal trapped in the base) <br> *Repel the Compelled Vex attachers ([[Compelled Akarus, Wrathful Mind]]) <br> *Cross the drill site (Defeat Cabal and Vex forces) <br> *Defeat Protheon
|| [[Cabal]] <br> [[Vex]]
|| [[Compelled Akarus, Wrathful Mind]] {{c|Miniboss}} <br> [[Protheon, Modular Mind|Protheon, Choral Modular Mind]]

