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Unfortunately, despite their efforts in severing all of Calus's connections between the Leviathan and the [[Lunar Pyramid]], the former emperor had succeeded in what he intended: to become a new Disciple of the Witness and gain entry into the Pyramid to claim its power. However, as the transformation hadn't been complete yet, Eris was able to put together a Severance Ritual of a much larger scale to prevent Calus from taking control of the Pyramid but required not only the Guardian's and Zavala's aid but also that of Crow and Caiatl. Racing to the Leviathan to begin the ritual, Zavala would find himself overwhelmed by [[Scorn]] forces but managed to place his amplifiers. Despite being unable to lend aid, the Guardians and Caiatl managed to enter into the Pyramid and confront Calus at the [[Chantry of the Darkest Hour]]. Against the odds, they managed to push Calus back, preventing him from claiming the Pyramid's power. Zavala would be present as Caiatl confirmed that her father had given himself over to the Witness and would gaze on as the Memory of Safiyah dissipated. Left completely exhausted by the entire ordeal, Zavala sits down upon his knees but would be comforted by his allies.
Unfortunately, despite their efforts in severing all of Calus's connections between the Leviathan and the [[Lunar Pyramid]], the former emperor had succeeded in what he intended: to become a new Disciple of the Witness and gain entry into the Pyramid to claim its power. However, as the transformation hadn't been complete yet, Eris was able to put together a Severance Ritual of a much larger scale to prevent Calus from taking control of the Pyramid but required not only the Guardian's and Zavala's aid but also that of Crow and Caiatl. Racing to the Leviathan to begin the ritual, Zavala would find himself overwhelmed by [[Scorn]] forces but managed to place his amplifiers. Despite being unable to lend aid, the Guardians and Caiatl managed to enter into the Pyramid and confront Calus at the [[Chantry of the Darkest Hour]]. Against the odds, they managed to push Calus back, preventing him from claiming the Pyramid's power. Zavala would be present as Caiatl confirmed that her father had given himself over to the Witness and would gaze on as the Memory of Safiyah dissipated. Left completely exhausted by the entire ordeal, Zavala sits down upon his knees but would be comforted by his allies.
===Restoring the Warmind===
When [[Anastasia Bray|Ana Bray]] began her to restore Rasputin, Zavala would be confronted over this endeavour by Empress Caiatl. She would remind him that he was a machine, Zavala would acknowledge this before asking her to elaborate. The Empress would explain her skepticism that he was entrusting him with potent military supplies, including orbital artillery, an arsenal of advanced ordnance, coordination of gunship deployments, and forward operating bases. Zavala would remind Caiatl that Rasputin was designed for this purpose, to which she remarked that something as valuable as a warrior's spirit couldn't be designed as a true warrior understands that victory comes at a cost. Remaining doubtful, Caiatl would ask the Vanguard Commander if he truly believed that Rasputin can truly understands these concepts, to his astonishment, he would state that he believed he could. Turning away from the window to face the holoprojector, Zavala admits that he once distrusted the Warmind due to believing that he only ever saw them as mere accessories. Zavala then leans towards his desk and explains that he now understands the daunting task that Rasputin has to bear to protect humanity and even the losses he has suffered himself. Caiatl then him asks if he sees in Rasputin a kindred spirit. Zavala admits to the Empress that he only sees an old warrior doing his best and that is something that will always earn his trust.<ref>'''Bungie (2022/12/6)''', ''[[Destiny 2]]: [[Season of the Seraph]], [[Jumpship|Jumpship Lore]]: [[Spirit of the Warmind]]''</ref>
Ultimately Ana would succeed in her objective of restoring Rasputin so he could aid them in their battle against the Witness. However, Mara Sov would uncover that Xivu Arath intended for them to use the Warsats against her Wrathborn to not only feed her worm from the destruction, but also fuel a ritual to open a portal to send fourth her armies to begin a mass invasion of Earth. When Eramis infiltrated the Warsat station and attempt to fire on the Traveler, causing the Great Machine to drift away from Earth. However Rasputin activates "AURORA SACRIFICE", his self-destruction sequence to delete all of his systems and destroy the Warsats, courageously sacrafing himself to prevent Xivu Arath's arrival and causing the Traveler to return to Earth. Although the Traveler had briefly left Earth when Eramis had prepared to fire the Warsats, Zavala believed that the Traveler did not intend on running, but instead was preparing to make its final stand against the Witness as it's ancient enemy now approaches Earth.

When the Witness, Calus, and the Black Fleet arrived at Earth, Zavala would watch the battle from afar alongside Ikora Rey, Mara Sov, Elsie Bray, and Osiris within the H.E.L.M. Understanding the costs at stake, Zavala orders the Coalition fleet to defend the Traveler at any costs necessary. As the Witness used it's catastrophic weaponry to eliminate multiple Coalition ships, Zavala would close his eyes and look down in sorrow. However, as an emitting Light forced him to open his eyes, he would see the Traveler emit a terraforming beam directly at the the Witness's ship, causing their ancient enemy to float through the beam unaffected towards the Traveler itself. When Amanda Holliday, and three Guardians would fly towards the Witness to eliminate it, the entity would respond by merely making a hand gesture to slice the Guardians into neat segments, and forcing Amanda to crash towards Earth. With all the obstacles in its way eliminated, the Witness uses it's Pyramids to subdue the Traveler, sending out an outburst of resonance energy in the process, forcing Zavala and his allies to open a barrier behind the window. Zavala would activate their comms network only to hear the many casualties they were facing in this hopeless battle, not noticing Osiris as he sneaks away to depart the ship. Reaching out its hand, the Witness reaches successfully communes with the Traveler to learn that the [[The Veil|Veil]] was located on [[Neptune]]. The Witness would then send Calus and his personal army, the [[Shadow Legion]] to retrieve it so they could recreate the link between the Traveler and the Veil to enact the [[Final Shape]] While flying towards a Shadow Legion Carrier, Osiris would warn Zavala that the Witness had discovered the location of the Veil. Zavala tells Osiris that they are not in the right position to engage the enemy, to which Osiris responds that they have now have no choice due to their lack of time.
Fearing for Osiris's life due to his new-found mortality, Ikora sends the Guardian to assist him. Both the Guardian and Osiris board a Shadow Legion carrier and use drop pods to drop down to Neptune when they arrive within the planet's orbit. Upon landing on Neptune, they discover [[Neomuna]], an advanced Human city built by members of the ''[[Exodus Indigo]]'' after the Collapse and powered by the Veil. The Guardian alongside the [[Cloud Strider]]s, [[Rohan]], and [[Nimbus]], as well as Caiatl and her Imperial Cabal prevent the Shadow Legion from retrieving the Veil. They would prevent the Shadow Legion from retrieving the Veil numerous times, with Rohan courageously sacrificing his life to destroy the Radial mast. Ultimately the Guardian succeeds in stopping Calus, slaying the former Cabal Emperor within the Veil Containment room. However this victory would be revealed to be their most monumental defeat, as the Witness would possess the Guardian's Ghost and use it to create a link between the Traveler and the Veil. Zavala and his companions would then open the barrier to observe the Witness as it created a triangular incision on the surface of the Traveler, before creating a portal on said incision. The Witness would then enter the portal alongside it's Pyramids to begin preparations for the Final Shape. Returning to the tower, Zavala would later speak with the Guardian upon their return. He would tell them that the Traveler was now gone, with many Ghosts being unable to feel its presence. Zavala questioned whether he should feel thankful for its sacrifice, relieved that it could no longer bless any more of their foes with the power of the Light, or lost without he could place his trust in. Sighing with misery, Zavala reveals to the Guardian that the amount of lives that have been lost during this conflict was what consumed him with despair. However he would recognize that these losses have also sharpened them, granting them with Insight, and aided them in forming alliances with the Awoken, Eliksni, and even the Cabal. Finally, Zavala would disclose that when he first arrived at the Last City, he looked up to the heavens for the hope that the Traveler has granted them.
===Amanda's Death===
Shortly after the Witness's entry into the Pale Heart, many civilians would be captured by the Shadow Legion and detained within their [[Shadow Legion Prison|prisons]]. Following a distress signal from Amanda Holliday, the Guardian with the assistance of their allies would infiltrate one of the Shadow Legion's prisons, freeing the prisoners from within and rescuing Amanda in the process. They would continue their operations by rescuing further prisoners, using the Ascendant Plane to infiltrate the prisons from within. Upon discovering a secret prison within the EDZ, the Guardian, Mithrax, and Amanda penetrate the prison. Shortly after slaying [[Vereziia, Reverent of the Witness]], Mithrax uses his gift as a Splicer to free the prisoners and assist them in escaping. Tragically however, Amanda is killed within the prison's facility explosion after sacrificing her life to allow their escape.
Upon learning of Amanda's death, Zavala arrives to the farm in the EDZ, kneeling down at casket while repeating the Guardian tenets. Even after Mara and Crow leave, Zavala continues to kneel at her casket, grieving over her death. Eventually, Zavala visits Amanda's resting place, where he is joined by the Guardian. He would speak of how they have all died uncountable deaths and despite this truth, they could only feel lose psychologically. Looking down at her grave, Zavala would remark of how Amanda had perished for the purpose of protecting the people of the Last City. He recognized that she perished the way she did because she ultimately knew it had to be done to save the civilians. Running out of words, Zavala kneels at her grave and speaks of how he had begged before and had come to realize it was a mere fantasy as the Traveler still remains silent despite every loss they face. Zavala then speaks of how the different paths he has taken have led him to a grave of an individual he loves including Hakim, Safiyah, and Cayde. Finally, he speaks his final words to Amanda, telling her that he loves her and expresses his pride of her bravery before asking for her forgiveness. With his final words said, Zavala leaves the Farm, departing from one of the many graves that have left unhealable scars on his life.
===Return of Titan===
Although all attempts to pursue the Witness had failed, Zavala would still retain hope after they learned from a fragment [[Soteria]] that an ancient enemy of the Witness resided on Titan. Astonishingly, Titan would meet the same fate as Mars as Saturn's moon would return to the Solar system. Shortly after Titan's return, they would receive a distress signal from Deputy Commander, [[Sloane]], who had vanished along with Titan during the Black Fleet's [[Arrival of the Black Fleet|arrival]]. To rescue his old ally, Zavala assembles a fireteam consisting of himself, Saint-14, Saladin, and the Guardian. Upon arriving on Titan, they are overwhelmed by legions of Hive and Taken loyal to Xivu Arath, with the God of War announcing her presence with her booming voice. After pushing back Xivu Arath's forces, [[Drifter]] arrives with the Derelict to assist them. Eventually Zavala alongside the Guardian locates her within the Plunge Tank below the depths and calls out to her, to which she answers from the shadows. Zavala would express his astonishment that she was alive, causing Sloane to respond that survival was always part of her mission before emerging from the shadows and revealing her Taken corruption. Shortly after Drifter arrival, Sloane would introduce them to the ancient enemy of the Witness: the Proto-Worm known as [[Ahsa]]. Sloane would reveal that she shares a connection with this ancient creature and discloses that although her Light is holding her Taken corruption back, the whispers from the Deep still made it difficult to divulge Ahsa's messages. She would expand on this further by stating that if they could strengthen their psychic connection it could improve her ability to hear through the noise. To strengthen their connection, Guardians are sent to receive [[Egregore]] coral from the depths of Titan as well as Golden Age technology.
Zavala speaks with Drifter about his partnership with the Nine, with the head of Gambit stating that he believes that the Nine made his activity to prepare them for the Witness's arrival. Remaining skeptical, Zavala would question Drifter if the Nine truly ordered him to run Gambit because they predicted this specific outcome. Drifter would make it clear he was uncertain, however whatever the reason might be it will get them what they need, and hopefully assist Sloane in the process. 
Later, Zavala would send the Guardian to assist an off-site coral extraction team to assist the missing Guardians and return the sites back online. Ultimately the Guardian would succeed, slaying the Wizard [[Kudazad, Binder of Savathûn|Kudazad, Bound to Xivu Arath]] and rescue the fireteam. Shortly after the mission, Zavala would speak with the Guardian aboard the H.E.L.M., asking them if they're wondering what knowledge Ahsa will share, with the Vanguard Commander revealing that he is unable to tell if he is eager or anxious to learn what the sea creature will reveal. Abruptly, Saint-14 appears and asks Zavala if they were awaiting his arrival, with Zavala merely telling the fellow Titan that he was considering their options. Realizing Zavala's concern for Sloane, Saint-14 would assure him that the Deputy Commander will be alright thanks to her strong-will and companionship with Ahsa. Zavala admits that he is aware that Sloane will do what is necessary, but things after that will be more complicated. Saint-14 would then reminiscent of his time in the Infinite Forest and admit that although there was times he felt lost, he ultimately survived and was now with his allies once more. They would both then speak of the burdens of leadership and what truly makes them string is sending the soldiers they trust. Curious, Zavala would ask Saint what made him step down from his position as Vanguard Commander, with Saint-14 revealing that he resigned because he does not possess Zavala's strength before departing. Zavala then leaves the H.E.L.M. and orders the Guardian to continue their operations on Titan.
===Operation Ahamkara===

