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| [[File:Enemies-grimoire-theme.jpg|thumb|300px]] | | The '''Enemies''' section of the [[Grimoire]] covers subjects related to the minions of the [[Darkness]], and consists of seventeen subsections. |
| The following is a list of [[Grimoire]] entries pertaining to '''enemies''':
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| | ==Enemies subsections== |
| | <gallery perrow=3; class="center"> |
| | File:Grimoire Fallen.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Fallen|Fallen |
| | File:Grimoire Fallen Arsenal.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Fallen Arsenal|Fallen Arsenal |
| | File:Grimoire Fallen Leadership.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Fallen Leadership|Fallen Leadership |
| | File:Grimoire Fallen Hunted.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Fallen Hunted|Fallen Hunted |
| | File:Grimoire Hive.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Hive|Hive |
| | File:Grimoire Hive Arsenal.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Hive Arsenal|Hive Arsenal |
| | File:Grimoire Exalted Hive.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Exalted Hive|Exalted Hive |
| | File:Grimoire Vex.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Vex|Vex |
| | File:Grimoire Vex Arsenal.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Vex Arsenal|Vex Arsenal |
| | File:Grimoire Vex Axis Minds.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Vex Axis Minds|Vex Axis Minds |
| | File:Grimoire Cabal.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Cabal|Cabal |
| | File:Grimoire Cabal Arsenal.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Cabal Arsenal|Cabal Arsenal |
| | File:Grimoire Cabal Command.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Cabal Command|Cabal Command |
| | File:Grimoire Darkness.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Darkness|Darkness |
| | File:Grimoire Books of Sorrow.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/Books of Sorrow|Books of Sorrow |
| | File:Grimoire The Taken.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/The Taken|The Taken |
| | File:Grimoire SIVA.jpg|link=Grimoire:Enemies/SIVA|SIVA |
| | </gallery> |
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| ==Darkness==
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| ===The Darkness===
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| Something hit us. Killed our Golden Age. Nearly wiped us out. Only the Traveler saved us, and at a shattering cost.
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| The Speaker tells of a cosmic force that swept over us and caused the Collapse. Legend calls it the Darkness, the Traveler's ancient enemy, which hunted it across space.
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| All we have left are questions. Centuries of debate gave birth to competing arguments on the nature of the Darkness and the Collapse.
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| The Pujari Position describes the Darkness as a force with both physical and moral presence, an actualization of evil. Pujari art depicts the Darkness as a great storm, or as a change in conduct, a corruption that emerged from within and poisoned the Golden Age.
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| Saint-14's Position argues that the Darkness was an invading armada, an alien force of incredible - but tangible - power. Some adherents believe that this armada sprang from species rejected or discarded by the Traveler for their sins.
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| Ulan-Tan's Thesis considers the Darkness a necessary symmetry to the Traveler in a cosmic balance. In this view, the Traveler's goodness led it to sacrifice for others, and it is up to us to return this goodness by healing the Traveler.
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| The Monist Position, or the Deflationary Position, considers the Darkness as a technologically sophisticated force, perhaps a post-Singularity intelligence. Adherents invoke information theory or contend that the universe is a simulation, allowing advanced intelligence to gain weakly acausal powers by bending the rules.
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| The Acataleptic Clause claims that we are intrinsically unable to understand the Darkness. In many respects this belief parallels the Praxic Creed, which suggests that we should stop worrying about the nature of the Darkness and focus on resisting and defeating it.
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| Certain positions - often labeled heretical - imply that the Traveler itself triggered the Collapse, or that it knew the Darkness was coming for it and hoped to use the Solar System as a sacrifice or a proxy army. The Binary Star cult is one notable example.
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| ===Ghost Fragment: Darkness===
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| Multiple distributed ISR assets report a TRANSIENT NEAR EXTRASOLAR EVENT. Event duration ZERO POINT THREE SECONDS. Event footprint includes sterile neutrino scattering and gravity waves. Omnibus analysis detects deep structure information content (nine sigma) and internal teleonomy.
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| No hypothesis on event mechanism (FLAG ACAUSAL). Bootstrap simulation suggests event is DIRECTED and INIMICABLE (convergent q-Bayes/Monte Carlo probability approaches 1).
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| No hypothesis on deep structure encoding (TCC/NP-HARD).
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| Source blueshift suggests IMMINENT SOLAR ENTRY.
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| Promote event to SKYSHOCK: OCP: EXTINCTION. Activate VOLUSPA. Activate YUGA. Cauterize public sources to SECURE ISIS and harden for defensive action.
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| I am invoking CARRHAE WHITE and assuming control of solar defenses.
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| ===Ghost Fragment: Darkness 3===
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| ==Fallen==
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| ===The Fallen===
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| {{Quote|We have butchers at our gates—four–armed and eager for slaughter.|Card blurb}}
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| The [[Fallen]] are ruthless scavengers. Brutal and uncaring, they arrived on their massive [[Ketch]]es in the wake of the [[Collapse]] to loot and pillage our devastated worlds.
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| There are hints of ancient nobility to the Fallen - the scars of lost grandeur. The Kells of their scattered Houses still claim to be royalty. But they leave only grief and wreckage in their wake.
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| ===Dreg===
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| {{Quote|Don't underestimate a cutthroat, or you'll get your throat cut.|Card blurb}}
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| [[Dreg]]s cling to the lowest rung of Fallen society. Docked of their lower arms in a ritual of humiliation and obedience, Dregs seek to prove their worth. Only a few will survive to gain promotion and regrow their limbs. Their suicidal bravery is fueled by ambition and shame.
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| ===Shank===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Vandal===
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| {{Quote|You could drown the City in the blood they've spilt.|Card blurb}}
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| [[Vandal]]s are savage pirates, taking pride in every world they pillage and every body they drop. Soldiers, brawlers, assassins, and scouts, Vandals serve many roles within a Fallen crew. And whether from distance or up close and personal, they are seasoned, efficient killers, with an arsenal of weaponry and tech to match their bloodlust.
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| ===Captain===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Servitor===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===House of Devils===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Ghost Fragment : Fallen===
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| //...498.0074/IR:KK0709a.9//<br />
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| //EDS:3713498.0074/IR:KK0709a.9//<br />
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| <u.1:0.1> There [is] a wall. Out in the steppes.<br />
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| <u.1:0.2> You know it?<br />
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| <u.1:0.3> Use[d] [to] protect a spaceport—one [of] them old rocketyards. Know what I mean? Where they use[d] [to] leave world.<br />
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| <u.1:0.4> One [of] them monuments [to] the good old days. Whatever those are, right? <br />
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| <u.1:0.5> Only days I ever known look just like this one.<br />
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| <u.1:0.6> Can't say I [would] call [them] good, but there [have] been worse. And worse is what I'm talkin[g] about.<br />
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| <u.1:0.7> [Be]cause I was out there.<br />
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| <u.1:0.8> At the wall.<br />
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| <u.1:0.9> I was there.<br />
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| <u.1:1.0> I'd heard about it. Just stories. But I'd heard. Ya know?<br />
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| <u.1:1.1> We'd been on the road for… <br />
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| <u.1:1.2> I don't know.<br />
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| <u.1:1.3> Four-some years. Over? I don't know.<br />
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| <u.1:1.4> We'd worn thin. <br />
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| <u.1:1.5> Time and…<br />
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| <u.1:1.6> ...<br />
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| <u.1:1.7> Time and other things… other factors… will do that to [you].<br />
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| <u.1:1.8> ...<br />
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| <u.1:1.9> So, we were there. Not there, but close enough we could see it—out of the way, but close enough.<br />
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| <u.1:2.0> Should [have]…<br />
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| <u.1:2.1> We should [have] left it alone. <br />
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| <u.1:2.2> I mean, we could [not] know, but we should [have] known.<br />
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| <u.1:2.3> ... <br />
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| <u.1:2.4> ...<br />
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| <u.1:2.5> Anyway…<br />
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| <u.1:2.6> I…<br />
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| <u.1:2.7> Me and another couple guys, we convinced [them]…<br />
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| <u.1:2.8> Convinced the rest that we should take a look.<br />
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| <u.1:2.9> That maybe, I don't know…<br />
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| <u.1:3.0> That maybe we'd find a jumper or shelter, or whatever… something.<br />
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| <u.1:3.1> We agreed… All of us…<br />
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| <u.1:3.2> We agreed. If we got close and it looked bad…<br />
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| <u.1:3.3> Looked wrong…<br />
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| <u.1:3.4> ...we [would] turn back.<br />
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| <u.1:3.5> Everyone knows… Avoid tech.<br />
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| <u.1:3.6> Right?<br />
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| <u.1:3.7> Stick to the lowlands and stay away from scrap.<br />
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| <u.1:3.8> We knew this.<br />
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| <u.1:3.9> We talked about it.<br />
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| <u.1:4.0> But it was quiet. [You] know?<br />
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| <u.1:4.1> And bare.<br />
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| <u.1:4.2> Like it [had] already been picked over. <br />
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| <u.1:4.3> Like they were gone.<br />
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| <u.1:4.4> I mean… It was clear they [had] been there.<br />
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| <u.1:4.5> But they looked gone.<br />
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| <u.1:4.6> And we knew…<br />
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| <u.1:4.7> We knew we wouldn't survive much longer.<br />
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| <u.1:4.8> Not as a group.<br />
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| <u.1:4.9> Not on our own.<br />
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| <u.1:5.0> We needed a ship.<br />
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| <u.1:5.1> We needed help.<br />
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| <u.1:5.2> ...<br />
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| <u.1:5.3> So we went inside.<br />
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| <u.1:5.4> We were careful. I mean, I guess… I guess we were.<br />
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| <u.1:5.5> We meant to be.<br />
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| <u.1:5.6> Quiet.<br />
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| <u.1:5.7> Careful.<br />
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| <u.1:5.8> But we were wrong.<br />
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| <u.1:5.9> It was [not] just a wall.<br />
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| <u.1:6.0> It [is] not just a spaceport…<br />
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| <u.1:6.1> Not anymore.<br />
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| <u.1:6.2> ...<br />
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| <u.1:6.3> It [is] a goddamn fortress.<br />
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| <u.1:6.4> ...<br />
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| <u.1:6.5> We were wrong...<br />
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| <u.1:6.6> I was wrong.<br />
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| <u.1:6.7> And, now they [are] all dead.<br />
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| <u.1:6.8> And the Fallen own this goddamn planet.<br />
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| /...END TRANSCRIPT///<br />
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| ===Ghost Fragment : Fallen 2===
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| [Redacted]
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| ==Fallen Arsenal==
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| ===Shock Pistol===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Shock Rifle===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Shrapnel Launcher===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Shock Dagger===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Shock Grenade===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Skiff===
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| [Redacted]
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| ==Fallen Leadership==
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| ===Riksis, Archon Slayer===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Sepiks Prime===
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| [Redacted]
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| ==Hive==
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| ===The Hive===
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| {{Quote|That shiver you feel up your spine is truth. There are nightmares rising from the shadows, and they hunger for our dying hope.|Card blurb}}
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| The [[Hive]] are an ancient, festering evil. Their antipathy to the [[Light]] transcends hatred. To the Hive, the eternal struggle between light and dark is not only a war, it is a crusade—all Light must be devoured so [[Darkness]] can reclaim the universe.
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| ===Thrall===
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| {{Quote|The shadows have claws.|Card blurb}}
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| Feral and fearless, [[Thrall]] are a plague upon the battlefield.
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| Their swarming, twisted frames are driven by unfettered rage. Of all the terrors born of the Hive's vile will, they are the basest.
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| ===Acolyte===
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| {{Quote|Belief is a powerful weapon. But, so is an Arc Rifle.|Card blurb}}
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| It would be a mistake to view the Hive's [[Acolyte]]s as foot soldiers, because the Hive is not an army, it is a dark force rising. It is belief and horror, and its Acolytes are the instruments of that horror, hungry to commit the atrocities that will drive their own ascension.
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| ===Knight===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===Wizard===
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| [Redacted]
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| ===The Hidden Swarm===
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| [Redacted]
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| ==Hive Arsenal==
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| ===Arc Rifle===
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| [Redacted]
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| [[Category: Grimoire]] | |
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| ===Shredder===
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| [Redacted]
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