The Spider: Difference between revisions

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*''"Oh, of course the Prison of Elders was a collaboration between the Awoken and the Eliksni. Don't look so surprised."''
*''"Oh, of course the Prison of Elders was a collaboration between the Awoken and the Eliksni. Don't look so surprised."''
*''"Perhaps if the Red Legion had spoken to me we could have worked out an agreement, but they disrespected me. I want them out."<ref name="Legion"/>
*''"Perhaps if the Red Legion had spoken to me we could have worked out an agreement, but they disrespected me. I want them out."<ref name="Legion"/>
*''"This one's personal."''
*''"Happy Hunting."''
*''"Give Yann my regards. This one's a long time coming."''
*''"Vex salvage is worth good money."''
*''"Keep an eye on your radar. You won't find this one hiding."''
*''"You'll have to look sharp for this one. She's on the move."''
*''"Does it matter where the money comes from, as long as you are paid?"''
*''"I imagine even the Hive want this one dead."''
*''"Bring back a souvenir, would you? Perhaps some wretched Awoken man's arm?"''
*''"Tell them who owns the Shore."''
*''"Ha! Petra sent this one in. The Awoken have long memories, but not so long as mine..."''
*''"Ah, Nessus. What a trash fire. Glad you're going, and not I."''
*''"No one's paying me for this one, friend. This vengeance is mine alone."''
*''"Scum of Hiraks! Stamp him out, I want no part of that blasphemy!"''
*''"Sava-who? Mm, yes, that's right. The clever girl. If she's so clever, what's she want with Titan?"''
*''"What's it say, 'Nariks'? Hmm. You're lucky I'm not sending you after that chatterbox AI."''
*''"The Hive do have the right idea with their Ogres. Monsters of that size are indispensible when negotiating business."''
*''"They'll have scattered halfway across the system by now. To Titan and beyond."''
*''"Here's one for you. Cabal deserter, Mars. Ordinarily, I'd look the other way... but it's the Cabal who are paying me. Ha"''
*''"Those foul creatures are trying to regroup. Don't let them."''
*''"Lots of nasty little nooks and crannies on Earth… Happy hunting, friend."''
*''"This one survived the Reef War. But all luck must run out some time…"''
*''"Another that the Awoken want dead. Feh. They're paying, so what do I care. One has to cultivate a certain... open-mindedness, don't you think?"''
*''"What are you standing around for? Nessus is more than just a hop and a skip away from my Shore. Get going!"''
*''"Another day, another salvage order. I need Vex Mind cores. What's more, I've got a high bidder for another outaw."''
*''"Titan has oceans within oceans, my friend, and you do not wish to see what swims those depths. Perhaps the Hive are growing gills. Ha!"''
*''"Ah, this is rich! This is one that the Vanguard wants brought in! What do you think, my friend, shall I charge them triple?"''
*''"Oh, of course the Prison of Elders was a collaboration between the Awoken and the Eliksni. Don't look so surprised."''
*''"When you find them… make sure to capture telemetry, my friend. I find the suffering of my enemies tremendously uplifting."''
*''"Can't say as I care much for the Taken, but I've got a contact who will pay good money for this one's head..."''
*''"As to where you should look… well. Where would you go if you didn't want to be found?"''
*''"Did you know there are three ways to kill a Hive god? How many ways do you suppose there are to resurrect one? Get out there!"''
*''"I imagine some of them will flee toward Sol instead of charting an escape beyond the Reef. If they were clever, do you imagine they'd have been caught?"''

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