TentacleTornado's board-to-board with CraZboy557

Showing messages 176-200 of 235 messages. Board-to-board

posted 11 years ago

Oh. :(

Though I'd contact Xbox, even if it's just on the website. It might just end up being a easily fixed glitch. You never know. :P

posted 11 years ago

No, though I've considered that. I think I'll just take it in to best buy. Though, again, that won't be for quite a while. We aren't exactly made of money. I might have to wait until my birthday, and that's four months from now.

posted 11 years ago

Ah. Well... I wouldn't know how to deal with that. Have you contacted Xbox?

posted 11 years ago

I have a tendency to rage, and take it out on the objects around me. Suffice to say, it would seem that my xbox can no longer perform downloads.

posted 11 years ago

Oh. That's a shame. :(

I'm sure you can, but I wouldn't know where. What is the problem with it?

posted 11 years ago

Probably not for quite a while, odds are I'll have to replace my Xbox. Do you know if you can get them repaired?

posted 11 years ago

Nah, I just have days where I just check recent changes for about 30 seconds and do nought else. xD

Oh, btw, have you got your Xbox Live back up and running?

posted 11 years ago

I've completely broken character by now, though I was about to send you the message of "Respond you bastard!" as It'd been two days without hearing back :P I guess I'm just used to the ninjas on mspa.

posted 11 years ago

Nope. I'm being confusing. "(suddenly changes position for fear of death)". Couldn't tell if you were being angry or staying in character. xD

Not yet, no. But I will do. :D

posted 11 years ago

Did you check out that flash?

posted 11 years ago

In that paragraph from earlier, you said "It is not a case of personal potential, it is a case of using the weapon you love to its greatest potential." To me that sounds like saying skill doesn't matter... and then sorta saying it does..... :? I'd say you're being confusing, though it is easy to chalk it up to misspeaking.

posted 11 years ago

I thought that was what I was saying. That a player with sufficient skill should use an inferior weapon. o.o

Oh, well. Trying to make sense of it'll just leave me confused. xD

posted 11 years ago

No, I'm saying that someone with more skill but a worse weapon can regularly beat a less skilled player with a better weapon. TBH, during that RP I felt a little bad as I actually agreed with you. But hey, couldn't break character.

posted 11 years ago

Yep, that worked. Thx

posted 11 years ago


posted 11 years ago

Just use nowiki and send me the code for how to use it on this wiki.

posted 11 years ago

A skilled player can adeptly weild an inferior weapon, but they do not live up to their full potential. Your numbers are small not due to lack of appeal but due to lack of survivability.

posted 11 years ago

Honour is sadly neglected on the battlefield. I can only blame this change on the loss of Sangheili. I must be somewhat of a relic, as with all of my fellow Sangheili players.

I think you misunderstand; one should only use an inferior weapon if one is sufficiently adept at it. "and to use it effectively". To do this shows skill far beyond using that which is sure to achieve victory, such as the DMR.

posted 11 years ago

oops The link was supposed to say [I] HB: Attempt to eat Eggs. Damn wiki code.

posted 11 years ago

As for the carbine, spoken like a man of honor.

Those men have no place on the battlefield. To impare oneself to even the odds is not what you do in matters like this. You take every advantage you can get, as to do anything else is to lie on one's back and wait to die.

posted 11 years ago

The very suggestion that one should always use the BR, even when a DMR is available is the falsest of lies. The heretic must be shot in the head at long range!

posted 11 years ago

Blasphemy? Oh, dear. D:

posted 11 years ago

I troubles me to think I may be responsible for such blapshemy.

posted 11 years ago

Can't find it. :(

It's good that you got a screenshot though! It's great when a thread you make is successful, isn't it? :D

posted 11 years ago

It's not #1 now :( It was my LIst of Destiny Articles Thread. I took a screenshot, though.