TentacleTornado's board-to-board with CraZboy557

Showing messages 1-25 of 235 messages. Board-to-board

posted 10 years ago

We aren't copying directly from the article, Ace is. He's the only one who has a copy, so he's quoting the stuff directly and then we're coming through and ironing out the flavor text.

posted 10 years ago

Rumors, and Bungie is leaving the possibility open. I'll be suprised if they don't port it.

I can respect not being interested in Titanfall.

And hey, I hear that Naughty dog makes great games. I'd love to try them out if I go PS4.

Really, the main reason I don't think I'll get the books any time soon is because it's a pretty big money investment, and I might run into trouble with the logistics.

I just realized all your messages are PMs. Want me to switch to private? 0_0

posted 10 years ago

Eh, I probably wouldn't get the book anyway. I hate to admit it, but the expanded universe isn't really one of my priorities. Too many games to get first. But so yeah, don't worry about thpoilerth.

C'mon, don't give up on consoles! Destiny! Titanfall! And I've heard that Naughty Dogs is a really good developer!

posted 10 years ago

Shit, I didn't know about the genocide thing.... But hey, if you leave the franchise, there's always room for you in the tower and at least I'll know whether or not to leave the Xbox. Halo was the only thing keeping me undecided.

posted 10 years ago

I feel like I should advise that you keep an open mind in the case that is doesn't suck. It probably will, but just in case. I mean jesus, they really aren't going to let up with how much they hate Halsey, are they?

Hope that essay works out, shame if it gets wasted. Nothing quite like nerd rage, be it your own or someone else's.

posted 10 years ago

So, new Kilo Five comming out. If you haven't published it yet, are you going to hold off on finishing that essay until it's come out and you've read it?

posted 10 years ago

Yeah. there's the usual repopulate Halo 3 stuff going on. THFE is actually hosting some customs lobbies! I've been pretty much just playing a lot of multiplayer in 3 and Reach, but I think I'm going to try to play through the whole trilogy today.

posted 10 years ago

Happy Bungie day to you to. How are you celebrating?

posted 11 years ago

Well they said that they purposely weren't using the powers a lot in the demo. Once they started going a bit more freestyle with them they apparently used them a lot more.

And yes, that's what squishy means.

I just check my email for whether or not I have a new message.

posted 11 years ago

Ah, damn shame.

Anyway, Two complaints for me: Enemies seem a bit squishy, and it looks like they're going with the strawberry jam, both of which I don't like. as for gun focused, I'm actually worried that it'll just turn into power spamming! Did you see how fast the abilities were recharging? I LOVE that even though we've got ADS, you can still shoot with pinpoint accuracy from the hip! Also, maybe only the warlock has an ability like that, but maybe it'll have a decent ammount of verticality to go with all that jump height?

posted 11 years ago

Hey Tentacle, I'm testing this multiplayer map in Marathon, as part of a scenario I'm beta testing. Anyway, do you want to download Marathon and join me?

posted 11 years ago

I was going to point out that she didn't really have a character, but that's your point, isn't it? Heh.

I had just figured it was just some small problems throughout the studio, not just one guy.

Welp, I can't really think of anything good beyond "well hell," so unless you've got more to say (and I'd love to listen,) I guess I'll just bring up a new conversation... hmm, let's say, what we think of the Destiny gameplay so far. Who'll go first?

posted 11 years ago

Well hell, there's two of them.

Alt: No, no. Brian Reed, not Travis.

This is almost certainly problematic. So he's the reason Palmer loves buttons so much?

posted 11 years ago

>tT: Explain to cB who the hell Brian Reed is.

posted 11 years ago

Thought I'd check in and see if you've made any progress in Homestuck.

posted 11 years ago

Just a shocked "oi...." to that.

Ooooh!!! IDE about how the species might work: Maybe there'll be sort of shifting... I dunno. I wanna say politics but that doesn't sound right. But like, one week we might have a temporary alliance with the Cabal, and the next we might be exterminating Hive alongside the Vex, and the next it might be every species for themselves.

posted 11 years ago

Hmmm.... this is making me wonder about the species in Destiny.... hopefully Bungie has the brains to make them not always chaotic evil.

posted 11 years ago

I was just listening to a bunch of the tracks, and I decided to send it to you :P

I don't actually know what she did with the Mandalorians. Care to elaborate?

I have trouble imagining even Travis messing things up that bad, but nevertheless I wouldn't want her writing it anyway.

posted 11 years ago

fuck. You can probably guess what I did there.

posted 11 years ago

Who would the Unngoy be fighting? I'm curious.

And YES. NEXT BOOK SERIES: THE HISTORIES OF THE SPECIES. The Sangheili-San 'Shyuum war would be an awesome sight, and it'd be so interesting to see what the Kig Yar were like. I imagine that they have a rather.... colorful history, what with all the piracy throughout it. I'd like to see how they tried to deal with it. The Unggoy might be a bit more boring, but there was quite a lot of strife so who knows. It might be rather.... infuriating... to read about Jiralhanae.

Kig Yar gameplay would probably focus on quick movement. Jumping, sprinting, maybe even parkour. It'd be cool to use those shields, and the gameplay could be an interesting challenge. The shields themselves are damn near indestructible, but if you get flanked you're in trouble.

posted 11 years ago

I'm back.

posted 11 years ago

Gah, GTG, gonna head to the pool for a bit. If you respond before I get back I might not be able to reply for a while.

posted 11 years ago

I'm impressed that save for the San 'Shyuum, they're the only species that hard interstellar travel prior to joining the Covenant. Maybe I'm just a sucker for people with light armor and ranged weapons, but they just seem like a cool race. I'd say that they, along with certain Lekgolo, and possibly some Unggoy, are probably going to be trying to pursue peace with the UEG, especially since they weren't realyl that heavily assimilated into the Covenant.

And it would be SO COOL TO PLAY AS THEM

posted 11 years ago

Welp, finished the last proof read and it all seems good. Just a reminder though, I'm not exactly an expert on the canon.


wanna talk about Kig-Yar?