Tuk'rin, Iron War Boss

(Redirected from Tuk'rin)
Tuk'rin, Iron War Boss
Biographical information





Political and military information


Cabal Empire
Imperial Cabal
Iron War Beasts



Notable info:

Promoted by killing his superior

If you hear a noise in the dark, shoot first.

Tuk'rin, Iron War Boss is a soldier of the Imperial Cabal, who was involved in the operations on the Derelict Leviathan[1] and assisted The Guardian in rescuing Ahsa from Xivu Arath's ritual.


Tuk'rin was involved in a deployment on the haunted Leviathan, alongside his squad. His Centurion leader would go forward in the ship's Underbelly, and return "not as herself". The spirits overwhelmed her mind, and she turned her Bronto Cannon on her squad. In the battle, Tuk'rin would end up killing her and inheriting her weapon. He would later be promoted to the rank of Centurion himself, donning armor with winged decorations.

Soon after his promotion, he would come looking for his soldiers Gorn'ak, Ur'Rux and Tal'urn. He would find them in a lounge room, as the first recounted his own deployment to the Leviathan, and to not go in it again. Though he too was shaken by his previous exploration, he would command his new subordinates to prepare for another deployment.

Tuk'rin would survive this deployment, and eventually joined the Iron War Beasts. By the time of the Skirmish of Titan, he had become an Iron War Boss, and was sent by Saladin Forge alongside two other Legionaries to assist the Guardian with the rescue of Ahsa from the grasp of Xivu Arath.


  • Tuk'rin appears as a Legionary instead of a Centurion in the Mission Barotrauma.

List of appearancesEdit
